3 Reasons Why Siblings Need Each Other

Sibling relationships are very beneficial.

Heather Mitchell October 10, 2018

As I begin to ponder on sibling relationships, I cannot help but think about the talk I had with my children this morning. I was encouraging them to find ways to try and work together instead of against each other. My oldest children are two years apart in age, and they are also opposite genders. They continuously bump heads in disagreements, and I continuously have to referee or help them with their many, many debates. They truly do not yet understand the significance of having each other. This sounds very familiar as I remember my own childhood and how it was filled with times my sister and I constantly argued and fought with one another. It actually wasn’t until my sister and I became adults that we rediscovered our relationship and became closer than ever before. I want my children to reach that sibling unity earlier than my sister and I did so that they can experience the benefits sooner than later. I’ll try my hardest to guide them because I know that sibling relationships are very beneficial. Let me tell you three major reasons why siblings need each other.

A sibling relationship can drastically help mold children.
1. A sibling relationship can drastically help mold children.

So many lessons and attributes can be learned, especially with siblings who live together and deal with each other on a daily basis. I am a mother to two children who love to disagree on just about anything, so I try to remember that each dispute is an opportunity for them to learn and to grow as individuals. Arguing is an opportunity for them to learn how to disagree with others. For example, they are learning that it is okay to disagree and have different opinions and views than someone else and that disagreements and arguments do not have to result in name-calling or fistfighting. That is just a tiny sliver of principles that can be taught through sibling rivalry. Others include: how to respect other people’s things and their space; how to have empathy for other people’s feelings; how to effectively communicate with one another; how to encourage others instead of putting them down. The list goes on and on. These teachings are put to the test daily in the midst of brothers and sisters, which means daily opportunities for growth. Hang on tight parents! The sibling rivalry ride may be mentally exhausting, but your constant efforts will allow your children to reap the benefits in the long run.

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Heather Mitchell

Heather courageously became a birth mother in 2014. She is inspired to personally share how open adoption has incredibly impacted her life. She shatters the common misconceptions about birth mothers, and desires to provide a beautiful and unique point of view. Heather enjoys her grind as an administrative specialist for a millwork company in Wisconsin. While dedicated to her profession, Heather believes her most important job in life is motherhood. Her three children keep her busy, yet extremely overjoyed and purposeful. Her free time is spent reading, writing, or admiring the view of Lake Michigan, which can be seen from her front porch.

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