4 Halloween Crafts for Kids to Send to Their Birth Families

Birth parents will love 'em, kids will love making 'em.

Kacey Bailey October 03, 2015

The holidays are approaching! Halloween is probably my favorite holiday and my poor child is the one stuck with the crazy mom who goes overboard. I have enjoyed making my little guy dip his fingertips in paint and make cute crafts for his grandparents, but something occurred to me this year . . . how wonderful would it be for the adoptive family to send their child’s birth family crafts from the holidays?

As a birth mom, I can’t think of a more special “I’m thinking of you and grateful for your sacrifice” than a random gift for no reason—especially one made from the heart (and hands!) of that precious child. After trolling through Pinterest and a few blogs, I found some crafts that would be perfect and easy to make. Not only will the birth parents love them but the kids will have a blast making them, as well!

Something to Show Personality
1. Something to Show Personality

Anything that shows a fun side of the child is sure to make the birth family's day. This Frankenstein Face provides a fun way to allow the child to make a monster that is full of personality! You can make it anything from scary to cute to funny. Get step-by-step instructions here .

Something to Show Growth
2. Something to Show Growth

My favorite gifts from my birth son are things with his handprints. It seems so surreal that his hands aren't as little as a newborn's anymore! When did that cute boy turn 6? I didn't notice until I compared little handprints on a Christmas ornament from one year to another one a few years later. Birth parents don't get to see the day-to-day changes, we miss out on the crafts they bring home from school, and the hugs before bedtime. There are so many ideas out there but here are a few of my favorites with blogs and instructions:

Footprint Ghost
Handprint Witch
Handprint Vampire

A Picture of the Child in a Cute Frame!
3. A Picture of the Child in a Cute Frame!

This is my favorite Halloween “do it yourself” picture frame. It's perfect to show off the child in his/her cute costume! It's sure to be a favorite of the birth parents and families.

Here's a blog with instructions.

Personality + Growth
4. Personality + Growth

Mix and match the above ideas to get something amazing and unique! A great idea I found that would show personality through the face drawing but has handprints on it is this cute witch!

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Kacey Bailey

Kacey is a birth mom of five years. She placed when she was 21 and has since received her bachelor's degree from Utah Valley University and married her college sweetheart. After years of building her career, she moved into writing and found a love in adoption advocacy. Working from home where she can raise her family is her favorite way to spend her time. Since adoption has created such defining moments in her life, she spends her time advocating its benefits and helping other birth mothers in their journeys.

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