5 Gift Ideas for Your Child’s Birth Mom

There is no better way to show love for your birth mom than to give her a heartfelt gift that she can cherish.

Michelle Barnes December 10, 2015

There is no better way to show love for your child’s birth mom than to give her a heartfelt gift that she can cherish. From the most simple gifts to expensive tokens of appreciation, a gift from the heart will mean the world to her. Here are our five favorite gifts that will show your child’s birth mom just how much she means to you!

 Memory Bear
1. Memory Bear

These memory bears are an easy favorite when it comes to birth mom gifts! They are handmade from your baby's onesie, dress, or favorite outfit. And don't forget to keep any buttons or ribbon that you might want to add!

Order them here.

 Personalized Jewelry
2. Personalized Jewelry

You have so many options with personalized jewelry, from a simple initial to a full bar with a birth date, birth stone, or a special message. Jewelry is a great option because you can personalize it to be exactly what fits your birth mom's style. Plus we're women: you can't go wrong with jewelry!

Check out this shop.

Photo Shoot
3. Photo Shoot

My biggest regret from our adoption was not taking professional photos of our sweet birth mom and our son. I know they would have meant so much to her and I would love for him to have them as well. Cell phone pictures are nice but a photographer can capture emotions and moments that you might have missed. A photo of birth mom and baby in a pretty frame is a perfect keepsake.

This photo was taken by Stephanie Sunderland.

Hand Print Art
4. Hand Print Art

Pinterest is full of amazing diy projects for hand print art! You can make a hand print into just about any gift and it captures their little hands in that perfect baby phase that goes by so quickly. You can also make it a yearly tradition to make a new work of art with their growing hands!

 Memory Blanket
5. Memory Blanket

Everyone loves to receive a handmade blanket, but this one has so much meaning! Made from baby onesies or pieces of the hospital blanket, you can add memories and special items that will mean so much to your birth mother. With the ability to customize your quilt however you'd like, the possibilities are endless.

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Michelle Barnes

Michelle is a mom to two beautiful children, one she gave birth to and one who was lovingly placed in her arms. She is an author, entrepreneur, maker, and baker. Adoption is her passion and she speaks at local high schools, attends panels, and does anything she can to share the beauty she's seen and experienced. Adoption gave her hope and gave her a son, she writes more about it at The Copper Collective.

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