5 Simple Thanksgiving Crafts That Will Make Your Child’s Birth Family Feel Loved

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to show your child’s birth family that you are thinking of them.

Kristin Anderson November 02, 2017

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to show your child’s birth family that you are thinking of them. Texts, emails, and calls will be appreciated (or in-person visits if possible). If you want to get crafty, here are five ideas that you can send in the mail.

Thanksgiving Photo Booth
1. Thanksgiving Photo Booth

Mail some cute photos of your family or just your child using these fun Thanksgiving props.

Grateful Hand
2. Grateful Hand

Turkey hand art is a classic craft. Trace your child’s hand on paper then color each finger red, yellow, brown, and orange. The thumb is the turkey’s head, so add glued on pieces of paper in the shape of an eye, mouth, and wattle. In the center of the hand, write birth mom’s name, or, “Grateful for you, (Susie).” On each finger, write in black marker nice adjectives your child uses to describe birth mom (nice, creative, funny, etc.) On the back write “Love, (child’s name).”

Tiny Turkey
3. Tiny Turkey

If your child is still tiny, send birth family a photo of them wearing something like this.

Coloring Pages
4. Coloring Pages

Your child can color these and send their artwork to the birth family. Free downloads and print outs can be found on numerous sites.

"Stained Glass" Turkey
5. "Stained Glass" Turkey

This is a cute way for the child’s artwork to be on display in Birth Mom’s home.

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Kristin Anderson

Kristin Anderson is an adoptive mother who lives with her son, husband, and two crazy dogs. She loves open adoption and is always looking for ways to help in the adoption community. You can find her blog at Looking for Little One.

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