5 Ways Adoption is Like a Roller Coaster Ride

The adoption process can be intimidating, much like a huge roller coaster.

Meghan Rivard June 03, 2015

A roller coaster is an exciting ride of twists and turns and not knowing what is around the next turn or hill. The adoption process is an emotional roller coaster.

You may feel stressed with all of the paperwork, fingerprinting, and background checks that need completed.
1. You may feel stressed with all of the paperwork, fingerprinting, and background checks that need completed.

When you are starting the adoption process, there will be a lot of paperwork that needs to be completed for the home study. Not only do you have to complete background checks for where you currently reside, but also for where you have resided in the past. However, these steps are somewhat in your hands and your control, unlike many other steps in the adoption process.

You may think the home study is intrusive.
2. You may think the home study is intrusive.

Your home study provider will ask you questions about your childhood, your family, medical information and financial information, just for starters. Please do not think of it as intrusive. They need to know almost everything about you because your home study is your life story, and they want to write the best story possible for these kids.

You will probably experience excitement never felt before when you receive a referral for an international adoption or are matched for a domestic adoption.
3. You will probably experience excitement never felt before when you receive a referral for an international adoption or are matched for a domestic adoption.

It will be exciting when you get the call that your provider has a referral for you or that an expectant mom picks you for her baby. You will feel you are one step closer to becoming a family!

You will probably feel anxious about finishing up the process and meeting your child.
4. You will probably feel anxious about finishing up the process and meeting your child.

Once you are matched or have a referral, you will be busy getting everything ready for your child. But this will also be a stressful time. You are excited, but with hesitation because you don’t know if complications will arise or something that could interfere or delay the adoption.

When you meet your child, your love will make everything worth it.
5. When you meet your child, your love will make everything worth it.

The adoption process is full of twists, turns, laughter, tears and frustrations. Nonetheless, all of that will go away when you meet your child and become a family. There is no greater feeling.

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Meghan Rivard

Meghan is an adoptive mother and a big advocate of adoption and foster care. She resides in Indiana with her husband, their one-year-old daughter who is the center of their lives, and their dog Max. She has a Bachelor's and Master’s Degree in Social Work. Meghan stays at home with her daughter but is so happy she found this outlet to share her personal adoption story and educate about adoption!

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