5 Wintery Crafts Kids Can Make and Send to Birth Families

These cute crafts will ensure that your child's birth parents feel loved and remembered!

Meghan Rivard January 13, 2016

If you’re spending more time indoors because of the weather, this is a great time to do a craft project with your kiddos! There are many different types of crafts that can be made to give to the birth parents in your life. Not only is it something for them to keep, it shows that you were thinking about and including them!

I love doing crafts with my daughter, so here are a few ideas of winter crafts children can complete to send to their birth parents.

All images used with permission from Homicraft.com.

Crafts that include footprints or handprints.
1. Crafts that include footprints or handprints.

These are great because they are personalized to your child and shows growth from year to year. There are many different things you can make out of foot- or handprints, including these cute snowmen. We made a reindeer head out of my daughter’s footprint for her birth parents this year.

Crafts that incorporate family, including the birth parents.
2. Crafts that incorporate family, including the birth parents.

Making a snowman family, like this craft, is a great way to incorporate everyone that is a part of the family, including adoptive parents and birth parents.

Crafts that can be hung up and kept out all year long.
3. Crafts that can be hung up and kept out all year long.

While many holiday or winter-related decorations are only displayed for a short period of time in the holiday season, making something, such as this star ornament, can be hung on a tree or be kept out all year long.

Crafts with the child’s writing.
4. Crafts with the child’s writing.

The more the child can do on their own the more it will mean to the recipient, so if the child is old enough, have them write something, or at least their name and year, as shown on these mugs. It could be something as intricate as writing or decorating a mug, or something as easy as drawing a picture and the child signing their name or writing a message.

Crafts that can show personality.
5. Crafts that can show personality.

Have the child paint snowflakes, like this craft, in any colors they want. Any type of craft that they have “free reign” over will bring out their personality and creativity.

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Meghan Rivard

Meghan is an adoptive mother and a big advocate of adoption and foster care. She resides in Indiana with her husband, their one-year-old daughter who is the center of their lives, and their dog Max. She has a Bachelor's and Master’s Degree in Social Work. Meghan stays at home with her daughter but is so happy she found this outlet to share her personal adoption story and educate about adoption!

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