6 Holiday Crafts To Send Your Child’s Birth Family

After all, the holidays are for gift-giving and craft-making!

Maya Brown-Zimmerman December 06, 2016

Any time can be a good time to send a personalized gift to your child’s birth parents, but the winter holidays are a particularly great time. There is just something about the time of year that calls for crafts! Check out this slideshow of simple crafts you and your child can make for their birth families.

Handprint Menorah
1. Handprint Menorah

Do you or your child’s birth family celebrate Hanukkah? Mom Endeavors has a cute handprint menorah craft. It’s simple enough to do with your baby, and customizable with optional additions. You could laminate it for a placemat, as she suggests, or it could become a wall decoration.

Homemade Ornaments
2. Homemade Ornaments

I love ornaments! As a kid, I made them as Christmas gifts regularly. The Heathered Nest has several adorable handprint ornament ideas. Heather shows off snowmen, a reindeer, a Santa, and a Christmas tree. You could buy a four-pack of ornaments - the kind with the white shell packaging for extra protection - make each of these designs, and put them back in their container for easy shipping. Again, really easy to customize these to show off your child’s individuality.

Thumbprint Ornaments
3. Thumbprint Ornaments

Speaking of reindeer, how great are these thumbprint ornaments by Little Bit Funky? They’re a little less messy, since they only use thumbs, but no less sweet. I love her idea of using bold colors for the ornaments. They’ll stick out on any tree!

Santa Ornaments
4. Santa Ornaments

How does free sound? The Karpiuks made handprint Santa ornaments with ingredients they already had around their house. I don’t know about you, but any craft that I can make without having to buy more supplies is a win in my book! This would be a particularly fun craft to make with toddlers, as you could work together on making and rolling out the dough. They also suggest making these annually, to see how their child’s hand grows through the years. What a neat idea!

Footprint Tree Canvas
5. Footprint Tree Canvas

We’ve shown a few crafts with the hands, so how about the feet? Celebration Shoppe has a footprint tree canvas. Messy, but it’s got to be a blast to do for older kids (I could see my 5 and 7 year olds LOVING the chance to get paint on their feet), and it’s such a unique project. For a baby, I bet you could replicate this on a smaller scale, perhaps a Christmas card instead of a canvas.

Handprint Christmas Tree
6. Handprint Christmas Tree

Last but not least, Fun Handprint Art created a handprint Christmas tree. I’ll be honest: all the glitter is what makes this so appealing to me. I just feel like the Christmas season calls for sparkle! This is another craft that’s very inexpensive to make, which is another bonus.

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Maya Brown-Zimmerman

Maya Brown-Zimmerman is a mother of three, both biologically and through adoption. She has been blogging since before it was cool, and is passionate about everything from open and ethical adoption to special needs advocacy and patient-physician communication. In her spare time (ha!) she's on the board of directors for a medical nonprofit and enjoys medical and crime dramas. You can read more from her on her blog, Musings of a Marfan Mom.

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