6 Tips For Starting An Adoption Blog

A blog is the perfect way to share your adoption story.

Shelley Skuster June 21, 2017

Starting an adoption blog can be a big undertaking, and putting your family’s journey to adopt in a glass fishbowl can be a double-edged sword.

Still, blogs are a great avenue to share your story and the process you’ve chosen to grow your family.

Here are six tips for starting an adoption blog.

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Consider Your Focus
1. Consider Your Focus

What is your motivation behind starting an adoption blog? Is it to help others learn about the adoption process? To assist in fundraising? Or to simply keep friends and family members in the loop while you navigate the complexities of a home study and match? Whatever the case may be, make sure you stay true to your focus when you begin typing your thoughts out there for the world to read.

Choose your template
2. Choose your template

There are many different sites to host your adoption blog. It’s a good idea to dabble with one and see how user-friendly it is before creating a domain or site name. Blogger and Wordpress are common among adoption bloggers, but depending on your focus you may also consider customizing a website like Weebly (there are free versions available).

Select a domain
3. Select a domain

There are perks to purchasing your own domain (or website name) through a site like GoDaddy.com. The most obvious: A custom URL which makes it easy to find and share with others. Purchasing a domain also gives you more clout in the analytical world, too. Of course, if you want to keep things basic you may opt for a free version of a domain which usually just involves a few more letters and words in the web address.

Get Social
4. Get Social

Link your blog to a custom Facebook page. Pages on social media are free to set up and allow you to engage with readers through multiple platforms outside of your blog. You can also drive additional traffic back to your blog when content is shared across social media channels.

Set boundaries
5. Set boundaries

It can be tricky to find a balance of authenticity and privacy, but it’s important to decide early-on what details you’ll share and what you’ll keep private. Setting boundaries is especially important when it comes to publicizing details about your child and his/her story.

Update Regularly
6. Update Regularly

Your readers will likely want to share in celebrating milestones in the adoption process (like your fingerprint clearances and home study certification), and they may offer some encouragement on the harder days. Keep your content fresh. Updating your blog regularly will give readers a reason to keep checking back.

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Shelley Skuster

Shelley is a former award-winning television journalist who traded in suit coats and red lipstick for a messy bun and yoga pants. She's a freelance writer who stays at home with her three daughters who are all ((gasp)) under the age of three and came to her via adoption and birth. She's the woman behind the blog Shelley Writes, and she can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

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