7 Hilariously Relatable Memes for Adoptees

The struggle is real.

Lita Jordan November 30, 2017

No one endures more crazy, outlandish questions in the adoption triad than the adoptees themselves! People treat being adopted as some sort of circus act or foreign concept about which they can ask unlimited intrusive questions!

Without further ado, here are seven relatable memes for common adoptee questions!

Don’t you want to find your REAL parents?
1. Don’t you want to find your REAL parents?

They get it. Adoptees are aware they have biological parents. However, the people who have fed, clothed, nurtured, and loved them as their parents are in fact as real as it gets.

You are SOO lucky your parents rescued you!
2. You are SOO lucky your parents rescued you!

What is this statement even trying to say? Unless you know someone’s whole story, you have no idea what circumstances led to placement. Many birth parents are amazing and adoption isn’t some sort of covert operation. Don’t place judgement on all the members of the adoption triad with one highly misplaced comment. Adoptees aren’t puppies, they are people.

Why didn’t your real parents want you?
3. Why didn’t your real parents want you?

This one really needs no explanation. Just don’t. Not ever. Not even then. Never. Ever.

Didn’t your parents want REAL children?
4. Didn’t your parents want REAL children?

What this person meant to say was “biological” children, but it somehow doesn’t make this question any less rude. Adoption is a route to have children just as much as pregnancy. I have children, both biologically related and through adoption. They are both very real and very loved!

What if your mom or dad is a spy or a famous actor?!
5. What if your mom or dad is a spy or a famous actor?!

This question isn’t necessarily rude so much as annoying. Probably not guys. But thanks for playing. You’re the 1000th person who has brought up that scenario.

So, since he’s not your REAL brother, do you think he’s cute?
6. So, since he’s not your REAL brother, do you think he’s cute?

Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew! All the no's! He’s still related, y’all!

What are you?
7. What are you?

You’re a wizard Harry! If you have to ask this question, just ask it. What ethnicity are you? Was that so hard? “What are you?” is so much worse.

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Lita Jordan

Lita Jordan is a master of all things "home." A work-from-home, stay-at-home, homeschooling mother of five. She has a BA in Youth Ministry from Spring Arbor University. She is married to the "other Michael Jordan" and lives on coffee and its unrealistic promises of productivity. Lita enjoys playing guitar and long trips to Target. Follow her on Facebook.

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