
Address: TBD (To Be Determined)


OBJECTIVE: To forever find a home to call my own, with a parent or parents to call mine, and to whom I am known as their child.


9 months         Womb School

1 Stomach Way

Mommyville, USA


I have experience in adjusting to new surroundings. I came into a big, cold room after being in a small, safe, familiar abode for 9 months. I cried because I was scared and cold. I was wrapped up warmly by kind, gentle hands and placed in this wheely thing. I was sent to another room with lots of crying babies. A couple days later I was taken into another strange place with my own room. That’s where I am now. A very sweet couple takes care of me. They are kind hearted; they change me, feed me, rock, and cuddle me. Through being with them, I have learned to trust and love.



I may cry a lot, I may not eat much the first few weeks, I may sleep a lot. Please know it is not personal. I am trying to adjust to a new life. A new home with new people and new surroundings. Think of it as if you were to move to a new city, a new state or a new town. Everything is different, and you need to become acclimated. I just need time, patience, and lots of cuddles. I need to know you are not going anywhere, or placing me anywhere but your own home. I need to build trust, and know that you will and do love me.


REFERENCES: The lady who I worked closely with for 9 months is unfortunately unable to be reached, but there is a sheet of information she has provided for you, which should suffice.


(My birthmother)