Every time I go to Target, I follow a walking pattern. I go through each aisle, grabbing what I need and justifying what I don’t. I always make it to the book section where I meticulously scan for anything interesting. I could buy a book a day if my husband would let me. On one such trip, I found a children’s book that made me cry right there in the store.

Wish 1Wish tells the story of an elephant couple and their journey to grow their family. At first, it’s just them, and their desire to add a little one is merely a wish. Does this beginning sound familiar? It mirrors me and my husband and the wish we had to be come parents. This elephant couple does what we all do. They work. Plan. Journey. Wish. They think of becoming parents just like we all do, and one day, they are ready. Ready to meet the little soul that will join their family. Just like you do, they make plans for a baby. They learn. Build. Journey.

And like so many of us, they wait. They listen. They are patient. They wait.

But a little one doesn’t come. It isn’t what they planned. It’s not what we plan on either. So time passes, and they carry on, they live, they hope, they wait. The elephant couple stops making plans. Wish 3They carry on, and more time passes.

And they wait.

And they wait.

Until suddenly, “With every feeling that was ever felt, everything happens. That everything is you. That everything is us. You are here.”

This simple children’s book, which tells the simple story of a couple and their journey to become parents, resonated so deeply with me. It accurately depicts how so many of us feel. How so many of us wait.

Wish 4If you haven’t read, “Wish”, I recommend you do. This is a must-have book for my son’s book shelf. We read it often, and I slowly open up about our journey, and the waiting, and the wishing, in a way my sweet six-year-old can understand. This book has helped me do that.

“Family begins with a wish.”

More children’s adoption books are available at AdoptionGifts.com.