Life can get expensive. And if you add exploring adoption for your pregnancy into the mix, the price can skyrocket. Most people know that there are adoption expenses when you’re trying to adopt. But some people don’t know that even when placing your child with an adoptive family, there can be ample adoption expenses.

Understanding possible adoption-related costs while you’re exploring your options is crucial to making an informed decision and preparing for the placement process. Remember that each situation is different. As you go through the below list, all or some may apply to your adoption expenses. This list is to give you a better understanding of possible financial obligations. This will help you to prepare your finances as such. It will also help you decide if placing your child for adoption is the best route for you.

Attorney Fees: If you hire an attorney to help you through this process, you need to pay attorney fees. Some use attorneys to help them secure the exact type of adoption they want and need to have. They can help you to draft contracts for open adoption, semi-open adoption, or closed adoption. You may also acquire an attorney when you want to make sure the proper avenues and channels are being followed by all parties. He or she can also help you understand what your parental rights really entail. It is a great way to protect yourself and your rights.

Adoption Professionals Fees: You may need to work with other adoption professionals through this journey. Each one has his or her own fee. While you may not feel you need additional adoption professionals to help you, it is something that will be beneficial to consider and keep in mind down the road.

Hospital Bills: Paying for medical bills can get very expensive very quickly. This is especially true if you don’t currently have insurance. Sometimes the adoptive parents or the adoption agency with which you’re working will help pay for medical and hospital bills.


Living Expenses: Living expenses are a must. While some adoptive parents will provide the birth parents of the child they are adopting with living expenses, not all do. It is safer to assume that you’ll need to pay for your own living expenses. That way, if the adoptive parents decide not to, you won’t find yourself in financial bind.

State Fees: Some states will require you to pay fees for placing your child and progressing through the adoption process. Each state’s fees vary.

Counseling: If you feel that you will need counseling—whether that is during the process or after the placement—this is a cost to consider. This is never something about which you should feel ashamed or embarrassed. Going to counseling takes courage and bravery. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.

Placing your child with adoptive parents can cost quite a bit of money. However, the important thing is to make an informed decision—which you can live with for the entirety of your life. This is a life-changing decision you’ll need to make. Make sure you’re prepared and ready to move forward before you even begin. Take the time you need to make the right decision for your specific situation.