The Vancouver Sun reports that reaching a goal of placing 300 children in permanent adoptive homes in 2014 should become a reality.  Thanks to the work of British Columbia’s Children and Family Development Ministry, whose aim is to match children in the system to families with a desire to love and nurture.

Between January and July of 2014 153 children and youth were placed in adoptive homes from government foster care.  This is a small dent in the 1,000 kids who are waiting for their forever families, proving the great need for loving adoptive homes.  But when the numbers are set aside and foster children are looked at as the unique individuals they are, these numbers mean success.

In Canada, youth age out of the system at age 19, and every year that is a reality for 700 of them.  This means those kids lose the $1,000 a month provided by the government and are then required to find their own housing and support themselves in every way.

So while BC expects that 300 of their kids will find permanency this year, the hope is that more families will step up and help the other 700 who are ready with great desire for forever families.

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