The Methodist movement is made up of protestant Christians who share common inspiration from the teachings of John and Charles Wesley and George Whitefield, early reformers within the Church of England who earned the name “Methodists” because of their use of the “rule” and “method” when going about their religious work.
The movement today is made up of an estimated 80 million believers who make up a wide variety of forms of worship, from progressive to traditionally conservative. The most commonly known of these denominations is the American United Methodist Church with over 12 million members. The Methodist religion is also commonly known for its influence in the Southern United States, thus becoming the religion of choice for slaves who later worshiped in “black churches.” These deep roots in the American culture have lead many Methodist churches and congregations with ties to hospitals, charities, and humanitarian aid organizations.
Methodist belief may come in a variety of forms, but the basics are traditional with mainstream Christianity. Followers of the faith believe in the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as one God, that Jesus gave his life for mankind’s sins, that the Bible is God’s word and primary authority, and salvation can be found through faith on God’s name and living his teachings every day.
What separates the Methodist church from other denominations is its use of religious texts, particularly the Book of Common Prayer, their use of the spoken word of God at the pulpit, and their unique practice of Covenant services for members of congregations.
Adoption Background
There is no official adoption system or service for the Methodist faith, but individual organizations, such as the United Methodist Church, offer child-and-youth services and direction for its members in finding a Methodist operated adoption agency.