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Beath from Alabama



from Alabama

Beath is a 12 year old, Caucasian, female who is currently in the 5th grade. She enjoys school as much as she can and gives it her 100%. Her favorite subject is Math. Beath has an IEP and receives special education services. She needs a family that will be very dedicated and involved in her academic progress and success. Beath needs a family that will be supportive of her very strong personality and behaviors. Beath loves music and enjoys singing and dancing. She is very interested in ballet and enjoys pretending to perform. Beath enjoys drawing and is a great artist. She also enjoys any type of arts and craft activities. Beath prefers a family structure which will include a mother and father. It would seem to be more beneficial for Beath to have a family with no animals and no other children. Photograph courtesy of www.heartgalleryalabama.com
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