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Dejarvion from Alabama



from Alabama

DeJarvion, born in 2006, prefers to be called "DJ". DJ enjoys playing basketball at the park and he enjoys the praise ministry at his church. He is a very helpful young man. He likes to conserve resources and is very good at saving his money. He is known for keeping his belongings neat and clean. DJ reports that if he could be any animal he'd be a cheetah because they are fast, but reassures that he wouldn't bite anyone. He says that Chinese food is his favorite. DJ wants to become a police officer when he is grown because he says he wants to help people. This young man would best benefit with a two parent home with a strong, firm, but kind male role model. He deserves a forever family who will always be there for him, love him, support his goals, and help guide him to become the awesome young adult he is destined to become.
Host: stg.adoption.com