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Amber from Pennsylvania



from Pennsylvania

Everyone needs someone like Amber in their lives! Unique is not strong enough of a word to describe Amber?others might describe her as ?exclusive, individual, exceptional, incomparable, unsurpassed, and nonpareil!? All of those words, plus a few more, and that's who Amber is! For starters, she's a survivor and also an advocate for herself and others; don't expect Amber to hold back if she feels that something is wrong or if someone is not treating her right. You might wonder what makes Amber so legendary?well?hold on and you'll find out! Did you know that Amber is kind and caring and uses empathy in her interactions with people she encounters? A quote from Amber reads, ?You wake up every morning to fight the same demons that left you so tired the night before, and that, my love, is bravery!? That quote really sums up who Amber is and who she is growing up to be. Amber's a multi-disciplinary experience! She will warm your heart, make you laugh, expand your knowledge, feed your mind, make you cry (with joy), and most importantly, make your day. In all seriousness, a day with Amber is like no other; it is one that you will not soon forget and will wish it would not end. What makes Amber so stellar? Well, let's start with her interests. Currently, she is highly interested in music; she likes to listen to various artists that comprise many different genres. She's even into Tupac! Because of artists like Tupac, Amber is now into poetry. She is a collector of quotes and will even write some of her own?give her some time to think, and the words will flow! A good student, Amber will frequently talk about her numerous homework assignments, and needs a strong family who will help her get that homework done. Math is not her forte right now, but with the proper coaching from a loving, caring family, she will understand the assignment and get an A+. Amber's already an A+ in our book, though! Along with all of those things, Amber likes to create art and will occasionally draw or paint a masterwork and then give it to someone she cares about. Finally, in her free time, Amber likes to relax with some video games or watch movies. All of this serves to help her accomplish the ultimate goal in her life: to be a therapist. So what would Amber like you to know? While she's friendly and can be quite engaging, sometimes Amber likes some time to herself. She would prefer people who would allow her to have some space and support her independence but who would also check in on her after some time. Amber would like you to know that she handles things in her own way and depending on the situation. This does not mean that she mishandles things, it is that she has her own style. Amber also wants you to know that she takes some time to warm up, but once she does, she's a loyal and caring person. One last quote from Amber is, ?Does it bother you that they refuse to see the good in you that they choose to only focus on your faults and mistakes?? Sometimes Amber feels that people focus too much on the negative and not enough on the positive. Let's help Amber find loving people who will accentuate her positives and help her feel loved! Parental rights have been terminated for Amber. For more information, a family can call the SWAN Helpline at 1-800-585-SWAN or have the family worker contact the recruiter, Abby Ramsauer, via telephone or email ramsauera@diakon.org.
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