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Manuel from Pennsylvania



from Pennsylvania

Manuel is a joyful, easy-going, happy kid who is always content and in a good mood. He's even smiley first thing in the morning! Manuel enjoys interacting with people and being around the everyday hustle and bustle! He just enjoys company and soaking up positive energy. He loves to interact with animals just as much as people and especially enjoys petting zoos. Manuel likes all things musical, including heavy metal! He's all about the bass! He likes to dance and move! His signature dance move is bobbing his head to the beat. He also likes to be sang to; you can pick the genre. Manuel enjoys riding in the car especially if you have the radio on. He likes fresh air and being outside as well as feeling and watching the sun shine through the window. Manuel attends public school and enjoys interacting with his classmates and teachers. He enjoys books and being read to. Manuel can attend school through the age of 21. Manuel values sleep and enjoys naps, especially after a long day at school. Manuel's team is excited to support his move to a forever home. Manuel would benefit from the attention and love a family can provide. He enjoys new experiences and being in a family setting would allow him to more fully experience life. Manuel will also add a constant smile and endless joy to any family! Parental rights have not been terminated for Manuel; however, once a permanent resource has been identified, the county will enact final steps to terminate parental rights. For more information, a family can call the SWAN Helpline at 1-800-585-SWAN or have the family worker contact the recruiters, Katie Juliana, via telephone or email julianak@diakon.org.
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