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Nova from Pennsylvania



from Pennsylvania

Nova is a creative and spunky girl who considers herself to be a ?homebody.? She also describes herself as ?not a known species? because there's no other person out there like her and everyone who meets her also agrees with that! She's artistic and enjoys coloring and drawing; however, most of the time you will find her listening to music, reading, or scrolling on a cell phone. And speaking of food, she's not picky and loves to try new foods. She's currently in middle school and her favorite classes are English/Language Arts and Science. She has dreams of becoming a lawyer or a doctor, specifically an oncologist! A fun fact that Nova shared about herself is that she participated in pageants when she was a young child, and loved it Nova describes herself as a ?chatterbox? and always speaks what's on her mind! When asked about her forever family, she ?definitely wants a mom? and would prefer to be the youngest child, or at least have her own bedroom. She also LOVES animals! She's close to her grandmother and would like to remain in contact with her, so that would be a huge gift from her future family. Parental rights have been terminated for Nova. For more information, a family can call the SWAN Helpline at 1-800-585-SWAN or have the family worker contact the recruiter, Marian Kolcun, via telephone or email kolcunm@diakon.org.
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