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Onya from Pennsylvania



from Pennsylvania

?Hello, my name is Onya. I am smart, funny, friendly, energetic and kind. Others describe me as caring, outgoing, helpful, and thoughtful. I love having fun and interacting with others. I enjoy being active and outside playing basketball and throwing the football or basketball around. While indoors, I like to play various card games, as well as dice games like Yahtzee and Farkle." Other things to know about Onya are that she is energetic and does well with hands-on activities that keep her moving, such as basketball, soccer, and various other sports. However, she also enjoys relaxing and watching TV in the evenings. Onya feels that music and animals are the 2 things that calm her down the most. Specifically, she likes Rap and R&B music. She enjoys animals, because they are something to help soothe her, especially horses. Onya is doing extremely well in her current home! She has advanced to the Independent Living Program where she is learning various life skills, such as cleaning, cooking, laundry, and budgeting. She even goes above and beyond to help other people with their chores! Onya also recently got a job, and is enjoying meeting new people and learning new skills. If that wasn't enough, she will spend some of her free time volunteering at the local adult day service program. The most important thing people will say about Onya is how caring and helpful she is. She is always putting other people before herself, and is the first one to help out if someone is feeling sad. She also has one of the most infectious laughs that you cannot help but smile when you are around her. Parental rights have been terminated for Onya. For more information, a family can call the SWAN Helpline at 1-800-585-SWAN or have the family worker contact the recruiter, Jessica Landman, via telephone or email jlandman@co.lancaster.pa.us.
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