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X-jayvier from Pennsylvania



from Pennsylvania

X-Jayvier is affectionate and fun with an infectious smile, and he's always on the move! He enjoys exploring and learning about the world around him. X-Jayvier loves playing outdoors, going camping, and going for car rides. Indoors he likes to play with toys that have lights and sound. He also likes to explore the local children's museum. If you have the right tunes on, X-Jayvier might even show you some of his sweet dance moves! X-Jayvier loves riding his bike and swimming, too. X-Jayvier loves to eat, especially desserts. He could eat a whole bowl of pudding or chocolate cream pie if you'd let him. Some things that X-Jayvier does not like are orange juice, being tired, and not having the freedom to move around. X-Jayvier is hard working and continues to work independence in day-to-day tasks. He learns best through repetition and routine. X-Jayvier is a delightful youth who will steal your heart in an instant. With continuous love and support, he will flourish. Parental rights have been terminated for X-Jayvier. For more information, a family can call the SWAN Helpline at 1-800-585-SWAN or have the family worker contact the recruiter, Denine Zill, via telephone or email dzill@fsnwpa.org.
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