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Jennifer from Taiwan



from Taiwan

Gladney Superkids program is hopeful to travel to Taiwan in 2023. Please watch here for updates. If interested in volunteering, email superkids@gladney.org. We are excited to introduce siblings Jerry and Jennifer! Jerry is 6 years old, and Jennifer is 7 years old, as of August 2022. Jerry and Jennifer do not have any diagnosed medical conditions. We have the full profiles for families to review who meet Taiwan's adoption qualifications. Jennifer is enrolled in Taekwondo and LOVES showing off the kicks she’s learned to her foster family! Jennifer is a 2nd grader in elementary school. Her teacher stated she makes good grades and gets along well with her peers. At recess, she enjoys playing ‘tag’ and ‘hide and seek’ with her classmates. Those who know Jennifer describe her as energetic and friendly. She enjoys interacting with familiar people and likes to show them affection. While Jerry and Jennifer do not live in the same foster family, they have been able to connect on a few occasions. Jerry and Jennifer also have one older half-sibling and 2 younger half-siblings who currently reside in Taiwan. At this time, they are not in contact with their half-siblings. Are you a family that can get to know each of these kids individually while helping them build a meaningful relationship as siblings? Can you imagine going on a new adventure with Jerry? Cheering on Jennifer during a future Taekwondo competition? If you think you could be the right family for Jerry and Jennifer, please contact us at Superkids@gladney.org to review their profiles. To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children. To see more photos of Jerry and Jennifer, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.
Host: stg.adoption.com