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Joseph from Taiwan



from Taiwan

Gladney Superkids program is hopeful to travel to Taiwan in 2023. Please watch here for updates. If interested in volunteering, email superkids@gladney.org. Joseph just celebrated his 10th birthday, and we hope he can celebrate with his new family next year! Joseph is described as a gentle and lively young boy. He is curious about new things and is willing to explore. He is highly cooperative and happy to share with others. Joseph loves physical activity and would do best in an active family. He currently takes medication for ADHD which assists him with concentration during school days. Joseph is able to quickly blend into new groups both at school and also in his group home. He even has a sense of humor, explaining to the social worker that he lives with more than 100 people at his home, and then giggled and said, ‘I fooled you’. He sleeps well at night in a room with three others. We are told that there is no food that Joseph doesn’t like, however his favorites are curry and pork ball soup. Because of difficult childhood experiences, Joseph is mildly behind his peers in performance in school. That being said, he is very capable of thinking and trying, and would benefit from extra instruction on abstract and spatial concepts. If you would like to learn more about Joseph, please contact superkids@gladney.org for more information! Also, be sure to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to see his photos!!
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