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Kash from Taiwan



from Taiwan

Gladney Superkids program is hopeful to travel to Taiwan in 2023. Please watch here for updates. If interested in volunteering, email superkids@gladney.org. **UPDATE** Gladney Superkids received an update on Kash in February 2022! Kash turns 5 this Spring! He enjoys helping his foster mother and is described as a “sweet” boy. He likes watching “Shimajiro” and “Babybus” cartoon shows. Kash has made notable gains in development, cognition and verbal expression since the last update we received. He is attending a special education kindergarten class, which focuses on learning and gross motor activities. He also attends various therapies and is motivated in his sessions. Kash is proud of himself when accomplishing something new! While interacting with the social worker, Kash gets along with peers and is able to comfort friends when they are upset. Interested in learning more about Kash? Checkout our Gladney's Superkids page and join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to access more adorable photos and videos! Please reach out to Gladney’s Asia programs at Superkids@gladney.org if you are interested in learning more! **ORIGINAL POST** Kash will be turning 3 years old in April and we were lucky enough to spend some time with him during our Superkids trip to Taiwan in November. He is an active little guy who wasn’t wary of us strangers! He was curious and enjoyed playing with our different toys. He can grasp objects and scribble on a paper with a crayon. He is saying a few words – mama, sister, uh-oh. Kash lives with a nanny who he loved to go to for hugs while we were meeting with him. She told us that he is getting physical, occupational and speech therapy three times a week. She stated that she has seem improvements over the last few months, which is great! His nanny also told us that he has a favorite blanket he likes to keep with him – how sweet! Kash has overall developmental delays, and possibly epilepsy. Our hope is that he could thrive in a loving home with parents who can meet his special needs.
Host: stg.adoption.com