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Benny from Texas



from Texas

Benny is an energetic young boy who is generally happy and smiling. He is very social, loves to talk, and interact with others. Benny has a happy-go-lucky personality and he thrives off the attention of others! He is very sweet and kind young boy. Benny is very close to his siblings and enjoys engaging with his brothers in active and imaginative play. He is always willing to participate in activities and wants to have fun. Benny enjoys riding his bike, watching movies, playing video games, water activities, and playing outdoors in general. Benny really enjoys playing video games and has shown interest in cooking. He has a polite and respectful personality, and he is easily redirected when needed. Benny benefits from being offered positive reinforcement by his caregivers.

Meet Ai'yana, Benny, Syn'syer, and Ray'Carl! These amazing kids are very close to each other and love to engage in outdoor activities. All the children are very energetic, loving, and their favorite hobby is riding bikes. They have sweet, friendly, and respectful personalities and they are not afraid to speak their minds or express their wants and needs. At times, the boys can be rough players with each other, but can be easily directed. Ai'yana can be just as rough and tumble as the boys when they really get to playing! With all their energy, the children really enjoy being outside playing. Ai'yana likes to play with her brothers and play with her dolls. Benny enjoys playing outside and loves to jump on the trampoline. Syn'syer enjoys watching cartoons and playing with his toy cars. Ray'Carl loves to ride his bike and he is known to be very helpful around the house. The children are hopeful they will be able to maintain the connection they have with their other older siblings, who are not a part of this adoption.

Benny will do best with a loving family who are patient and understanding of his behaviors, and who will provide him with positive reinforcement. He will acclimate better in a home that is structured. Benny wishes to have a loving and stable family where his caregivers will support his family connections. His family should encourage him remaining in connection with all his siblings.

Host: stg.adoption.com