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Javion from Texas



from Texas

Javion is a reserved child who likes to stay to himself most of the time. He enjoys creating things with Legos and building things with things he finds around the house. At times, Javion is challenged with following the rules but is easily redirected. He has a vivid imagination and a guarded personality. He has a thirst for learning but may benefit from reminders to help him stay on task. Overall, he does well with school and makes decent grades. He also enjoys doing arts and crafts. Javion has expressed having challenges when it comes to building friendships with peers. Currently, he has resorted to building relationships with his teachers instead. Javion is looking forward to being a part of a loving and nurturing forever family.

Javion's forever family will be nurturing, loving, and patient. His family will provide a structured home environment. He responds best to loss of privilege, sitting out fun activities, or being sent to his room. His family will be attentive to his needs. Javion would benefit from being in a one or two-parent home that has a strong support system. His family will take an active role in his life. His family will engage in his extracurricular activities. Javion's forever family will provide him the time he needs to adjust to the idea of a new family. His family will be patient with him through the adjustment period.

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