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Je'vonte from Texas



from Texas

Je'Vonte enjoys doing anything physical. He enjoys playing on his tablet and learning about dinosaurs. Je'Vonte is a very bright student and have very few issues at school. He loves to read and enjoys being alone. Je' Vonte prefers being in small groups versus big loud crowds. However, he loves being the center of attention. Je' Vonte plays well with other children his age and older children. He enjoy building things and reading about dinosaurs. Je'Vonte is affectionate and loving toward others. He has so much to share with his new family. So grab a football, put on your track shoes, and spend some time talking about your favorite dinosaurs while tossing the ball back and forth and you will quickly connect with Je'Vonte' s heart and soul forever.

Je'Vonte will do well with a family who offers patience and consistency, along with careful supervision. A family who will commit to allowing Je'Vonte a safe place to express himself and continue to help him reach his goals. The family for Je'Vonte will be able to spend a lot of one-on-one time with him and be willing to access the resources he needs. Jeramyah does very well with older children in the home. He responds best to a predictable and structured environment. Je'Vonte has shown consistent progress over time and needs a family willing to advocate for him while providing new challenges to encourage his progress.

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