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Kalvin from Texas



from Texas

Kalvin is a quiet and reserved child when you first meet him. He can be slow to trust but once he does, Kalvin is a loving child who likes to give hugs. Kalvin likes to help around the home. He enjoys playing with toys and playing games on the tablet. Kalvin is slowly, but surely, improving on his speech one word at a time. He understands both English and Spanish language. Kalvin loves engaging in his speech therapy and looks forward to his sessions. He can say simple words and phrases. Kalvin communicates his wants and needs by grunting, pointing, and using body language. He strives to do his best when performing tasks. Kalvin makes efforts to improve his skills by practicing his personal hygiene tasks, completing chores, and playing with peers in the home.

Kalvin will thrive in a highly structured and supportive environment that can provide consistent discipline, nurturance, and very close supervision. He always needs direct supervision by his caregivers. Kalvin needs a forewarning when the daily routine is altered in any way as much in advance as possible. His family will need to establish a daily routine. Kalvin benefits from frequent reminders about appropriate behaviors and expectations, and from being given positive reinforcement for appropriate behaviors. He adjusts well to new places if the home is meeting his needs effectively. Kalvin will thrive with a family who has a flexible or predictable schedule.

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