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Lilly from Texas



from Texas

Lilly is a creative, energetic youth who enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She enjoys singing and displaying her musical talent. Lilly is also very athletic and enjoys playing any type of sports. She is very active at school and she loves helping her peers and family. She's always excited to learn and try new activities and adventures. Lilly enjoys meeting new people and likes making people laugh. She is very enthusiastic when it comes to life. Lilly is a patient, kind, understanding, and brave young girl who like being surrounded by people who can help her become the best version of herself. A few hobbies she enjoys doing on her free time are singing, sports, and video games. Lilly loves animals. When she grows up, she would like to become a veterinarian.

Lilly will do well with two mom's or a single mother household. She will also do well with other children. Lilly wants pets and plenty of room to do gardening.

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