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Michelle from Texas



from Texas

Like most teenagers, Michelle enjoys to explore her world and be independent. She is very likeable and enjoys making new friends. Once you break past her imaginary wall and into her life, she is filled with laughter, sass, and lots of love to give to those who mean the most to her. Family is of the utmost importance to her and she hopes to find one who will share in her dreams and goals. She also wishes to earn a degree from a college but is unsure of what she wants to be when she grows up. She is very creative and expresses herself through art. Through her art work, you can see her emotions flow through her hand and onto a canvas or sketchpad. Michelle has a loving attitude and strives to be better every day. Michelle hopes to have a normal and happy life.

Michelle would benefit from a small household. Michelle's forever family will be able to have open conversations and be able to talk to her without judging her. Michelle would do best as the older child in the home or the only child. Michelle's family will provide structure and discipline appropriate for her age. Michelle would most benefit from a 2 parent household. Michelle's family will be strong, patient and understanding. Her family will help her attain these dreams and push her to be the best version of herself.

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