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Quin'tryal from Texas



from Texas

Quin'Tryal enjoys playing outside with his friends. When he is not able to be outdoors, he enjoys playing video games and watching cartoons. Quin'Tryal is a shy, young child who is capable of accomplishing great things. He prefers to be in smaller settings and play alone, instead of being in larger groups. He is an outstanding youth who can be very loving and respectful to his caregivers. At times, he can become distracted and will sometimes act before thinking. Quin'Tryal is still learning how to be responsible, and benefits from role models to teach him what responsibility looks like. Like many other children his age, he may benefit from prompts and reminders to complete his chores. Quin'Tryal will be a great addition to a loving and caring forever family.

Quin'Tryal's forever family will offer patience, structure, and consistency along with careful supervision. His forever family will be able to spend one-on-one time with him and be willing to access any resources he needs. Quin'Tryal's forever family will motivate him to be better every day and appreciate his progress.

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