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Raymond from Texas



from Texas

Raymond is a polite, sweet, and energetic youth who can be spontaneous and animated at times. He can be quiet, but when he feels comfortable he will talk a lot. He likes playing Army with Nerf guns and building things with Legos. He also likes playing video games and playing with action figures. Some of this other interests include camping, fishing, martial arts, and reading. Raymond can be silly and light-hearted, but he is also not afraid to stand up for himself. At times, he benefits from receiving redirection to help him maintain his focus when he gets off task. He states that he is caring, loving, and hopeful. He is ready to find a forever family with siblings and pets. Raymond will be a great addition to a loving and caring forever family. View my video on WFAA "Wednesday's Child".

Raymond's forever family will be active and allow him to be involved in many activities. His family will enjoy getting out and doing things and having fun. His family will accept his individual needs and provide him with ongoing support. His family will be patient and will work with him on daily reminders. His family will help provide him with directions, prompts, and a structured routine. He would do well with an experienced family. Most of all, Raymond's family will provide him with unconditional love and attention.

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