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William from Texas



from Texas

William is a youth full of energy that has a love for all sports. His favorite sports are now football and basketball. He would love the opportunity to be a part of a sports team at school. He is a creative child who enjoys building elaborate sculptures out of Legos. He would love to have every type of Lego set ever made if he could. His favorite items to design are action figures like Spiderman or a Star Wars figure. William loves spending quality time with his caregivers and engaging in activities with them like bike riding or swimming. He has recently developed an interest in navigating lap top computers and enjoys accessing social media. He loves the opportunity to make extra money and he does small jobs like selling candy at school, doing extra chores for money, or rapping for his peers. William thrives with a great deal of individual attention by his caregivers but has no issues interacting with older children. He is still learning how to interact well with kids his age and younger. He often competes with young children to get the attention of his caregivers. William loves cleaning up the house and doing activities to help others. He enjoys verbal praise or receiving small gifts for his efforts. William is a hard worker at school. He performs well when given small short term goals and praised immediately for accomplishing those small tasks. He has a love for science and excels in that subject. He tends to shy away from reading in school, as it has always been a challenge for him. William has made substantial positive progress this year with learning appropriate coping skills.

William would love to be placed in a two parent home with a mom and a dad. He is also open to a single male parent if they are physically active in activities in the community. His forever family will support his desire to participate in extracurricular activities like participating with the basketball or football team. William would love to be the only child in the home or be in home with older brothers. His family will be extremely patient with him and allow him to bond with them at his own pace. It would be extremely beneficial for him to have a family with a predictable schedule and a clear routine. William's family will give verbal praise and provide incentives.

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