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Cody from Virginia



from Virginia

Cody is a very fun youngster to be around and is sure to consistently bring a smile to your face. Cody has a loving heart and has a fantastic sense of humor that will keep you laughing and enrich your life forever. He has enjoyed interacting with horses and other animals. Cody loves a wide-open setting and can bond over learning the country way of life. However, Cody is also a fun-loving active spirit that keeps him busy as much as he can. Some of his favorite activities are playing Nerf, riding his bike, going to the trampoline park, playing games at an arcade, racing go-carts, and other fun activities he can do with others. The sure way to Cody's heart is through a new toy. Cody enjoys playing with his various toys and is not one to sit and watch an entire movie or TV show. Cody is very good at board and card games and loves to play them. You will definitely need to keep up with his competitive nature as Cody is a natural winner at whatever game he plays.
Host: stg.adoption.com