This is something I feel passionate about. I feel like words are important, how we speak to each other is important. I feel like one of the best gifts we can give each other is to speak to and speak about each other respectfully.
So here is a little background on me. I placed a little boy for adoption. I didn’t give him up, I didn’t adopt him out, I didn’t put him up. I placed him. This is the best way I know how to explain it. When you have something very special and very fragile, as babies are, you don’t give something priceless and special and fragile up, you place it. You place it carefully and tenderly, you prepare a safe place for it. My little guy’s family is a safe place I chose for him. I placed that precious baby boy in his mother’s arms. I literally placed him in her arms. Did you catch where I said “PLACED”? Is it all coming together now? If not, you should watch the video again.