


Age: 31

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 34

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 31

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Methodist


Age: 34

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Methodist

Work & Education

Education: Bachelors in Construction Science

Profession: Construction Logistics Manager


Education: Bachelors in Recreation, Parks and Tourism Science

Profession: High School Teacher

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: 2 Dogs, 2 Cats

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Same-sex parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Not open to multiple children

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Our Family & Friends
Us: Our Home, Our Pets, Our Adventures


Hi there!
Nice to Meet You!

We want you to know that before we know you, you are loved, and we are so grateful that you may share the love and joy of parenthood with us.

Thank you for your consideration. We want you to know that we base our marriage and life together around our faith in God (whom we like to call Papa) and the hope and belief that there is pure good in this world. We want you to know that before we know you, you are loved, and we are so grateful that you may share the love and joy of parenthood with us. We are overjoyed to embark on this journey to grow our family. We pray that you may find peace and comfort on this journey and we are humbled by your selflessness and courageous decision. As you read through this profile, we hope that you can see the pure love that we will provide and a glimpse into our goal of raising a child to be the best version of themselves who will also give back love to this world.

Thank you for your consideration. We want you to know that we base our marriage and life together around our faith in God (whom we like to call Papa) and the hope and belief that there is pure good in this world. We want you to know that before we know you, you are loved, and we are so grateful that you may share the love and joy of parenthood with us. We are overjoyed to embark on this journey to grow our family. We pray that you may find peace and comfort on this journey and we are humbled by your selflessness and courageous decision. As you read through this profile, we hope that you can see the pure love that we will provide and a glimpse into our goal of raising a child to be the best version of themselves who will also give back love to this world.

Our Story

Our dating journey was unique as Daniel is Deaf and Alex is hearing.

We have been married for six years and we would describe our relationship as being one that is goofy, clumsy, caring, and giving.
We met nine years ago when we were studying at Texas A&M University. Our dating journey was unique as Daniel is Deaf and Alex is hearing. Upon meeting each other we got to work on communicating effectively with each other through Sign Language and Spoken English. Alex is now fully fluent in Sign Language and Daniel has grown up being vocal as well, with a hearing family. We have been married for six years and we would describe our relationship as being one that is goofy, clumsy, caring, and giving.
Why Adoption

We will have the opportunity to share our life, wisdom and experiences with a child and, in our eyes, how they come into our lives is not as important as the life we will build with them once there are placed in our care.

Our Wedding
We entered marriage both knowing we wanted to leave an impact by nurturing and raising a family that would love and give. Our journey leading to adoption has been one of deep consideration of many factors. We have considered different options throughout the years and prayed as to what would be the best decision. After deliberations with Papa, we believe that adoption is the best path to allow us to grow our family. We will have the opportunity to share our life, wisdom and experiences with a child and, in our eyes, how they come into our lives is not as important as the life we will build with them once there are placed in our care. Open adoption is our preference as we would like our child to stay rooted in their culture, but we want to do whatever is most comfortable to you.
Our Promises

We pray to give a child endless opportunities in life providing them the ability to learn and grow in an environment of encouragement and support.

We can't wait to meet you!
Our greatest commitment to this child is to raise them with unconditional love and make sure they understand that they will always have this love in any situation. We commit to raising your child in a home where they know they will always have support in their corner through the ups and downs that life brings. Having faith in Papa will be the highest priority in our household and learning that faith, at times though it can be blind, will bring forth the ability to spread His love to others. We pray to give them endless opportunities in life providing them the ability to learn and grow in an environment of encouragement and support. We will nurture them into an incredible person that will make you proud.

It is our prayer that God provides you with the strength, comfort, and peace that you need during this time. Please know this child will grow up knowing that your selfless and loving decision made us a family. We could never find the words to express our pure admiration for you and our appreciation for your consideration.

Most Sincerely,
Daniel and Alex
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Meet Alex Shared by Daniel

When I first met Alex, I was attracted right away with his personality. He has a funny, outgoing and super witty personality. He has a big heart for all those he is around and loves and even strangers who approach him. He always lends an ear for others to be heard and offers advice and encouragement for anyone in need of assistance. He is truly an intellectual and critical thinker. He goes above and beyond and does his best in his work and in personal life with anyone around them to provide whatever is needed. Around children, he is great. I have seen how he speaks and cares for our nieces and nephew. He enjoys playing games with them, taking them to arcades. He only plays arcade games to win a lot of tickets and surprisingly give them all to kids at the end to see their faces glow up in excitement. All he wants to see from children is their happiness. Alex LOVES to cook in his free time. Most of the time he gets really creative in the kitchen and everything he has made is DELICIOUS...with the exception of the one time he forgot to cook the black beans in a casserole. They were rocks. But everyone is human. One of my favorite meals he makes is homemade chicken wings with his homemade garlic parmesan sauce. He loves to host family and friends at our house all the time. If there is any reason to make a charcuterie board...he is there. He adores playing board games with me and our friends. Overall, Alex is a stable and stoic member of our household. He is always ensuring security and stability for our household and brings a sense of comfort knowing how much he strives to show his love through his actions. He makes our house a home that is filled with love.

Alex's Perspective on Himself

I grew up in a small city in Texas and was raised by two extremely compassionate nurses. I attended Texas A&M University where I met Daniel 10 years ago and graduated with my degree in Construction Science. I have worked in the home building industry with the same company since graduation and have progressed from a construction intern to the Division's Construction Logistics Manager and a have a true passion for home building. We build homes and communities for thousands of families every year and one of my favorite parts of my role is helping organize activities around our program that gives mortgage free homes to veterans. Knowing that what I do on a daily basis, though it may be hectic in crazy times, has a true and lasting impact on thousands of people. In terms of my hobbies, I was actively involved in orchestra from elementary school all through college playing the viola and am currently in the hand bell choir at our church. I love music! But my primary hobby that I picked up the last five years of so is cooking! I attend cooking classes frequently with friends and Daniel in hopes to find the next best sauce or side dish. I LOVE being creative in the kitchen and throwing together meals with anything and everything I can somehow piece together with what is in the pantry. As far as WHO I am, People may define themselves by what they do. I like to define myself by how I make others around me feel. As an individual I am extremely perceptive as to anyone who enters my life. From family and friends to colleagues and strangers. I want to always make sure everyone feels they are in a safe environment and surrounded by those who can give them comfort and love. I see everyone where they are in life and love them for being there. We all are on different journeys, who I am to know the direction and course for others.

Meet Daniel Shared by Alex

Daniel has the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met. He has always had a passion for youth and studied Youth Development in college. He is the epitome of "Young at Heart". His Dream Goal is to one day run a Camp for Youth that would allow them to be in a safe environment surrounded by others who have the same common goals and experiences. Daniel is a High School teacher, and he is "that teacher". You know, the one who rather than wearing fake antlers to "Reindeer Day" they wear a giant toy Reindeer glued to a sparkly headband! He is the passionate teacher who all students visit at lunch time so they can confide in him and ask him for advice. As Daniel is Deaf himself, he has a very strong connection with students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing as they have someone to look up to. A successful Deaf adult who, against all odds, graduated with a Bachelor's degree and became a certified teacher. I say "against all odds" because as a two-year-old when Daniel was diagnosed as being Deaf, his doctor advised his parents he would not be successful and would likely not have an education level past a second-grade level.....I am so grateful that doctor was wrong. Daniel is a grounded individual. While everyone, myself included, has ups and downs in life....Daniel is there to root everyone and remind them of what is most important in life. That is why I know he will be the best dad any child could ever need. No matter the situation, Daniel will be there crouched on the ground at eye level reminding the child that they are understood, seen, loved and everything that may seem out of their control is in Papa's control. He doesn't waiver in that belief and never will. Nature is where Daniels true home is. In the garden, tent camping next to a lake, walking the dogs outside in the wooded area next to our home. Where he can feel most connected to Papa is where he thrives. He volunteered in College in Conservation Corp where the primary focus was to maintain and clear forests to their natural setting. He is truly rejuvenated when able to see the stars away from the city. I can assure this child will likely know how to keep any plant alive before they can even spell the names of the plants! I could write an entire biography on the many attributes of Daniel. The best I can describe it is....Daniel is the person you want to have in your life when things get bumpy and the person you want around when the stars align. He is the goofy, cheer-leading rock that will assure you of your worth while fumbling through some Yoda quote. You chuckle under your breath while getting the warm understanding that everything will be okay.

Daniel's Perspective on Himself

I grew up in Texas and was diagnosed as Deaf at the age of two. Growing up has not always been the easiest path being in a hearing world, but at the age of sixteen I made the decision to receive a Cochlear Implant. While the implant is not a "fix" or "cure" it has helped broaden my verbal and listening capabilities and helps me enjoy some of the beautiful things in life like music , birds chirping, and the sound of a water fall on a hike. I went to Texas A&M University and graduated with my degree in Recreation, Parks and Tourism Sciences with a focus on youth development. I currently teach American Sign Language (ASL) in a high school teaching multiple levels. I am currently in my fourth year as a teacher and love seeing students who have a true passion for my first language flourish in the classroom. I had previously worked in various camps working with youth with various disabilities. I truly have a passion and love for working with children with disabilities. I was once in their place, navigating through a world that was not meant for all. Giving them the keys to accessibility and the feeling of normalcy is what keeps me going. Seeing their confidence grow in themselves is like a pilot light for me. I cannot wait to have our own child to watch grow with the same confidence and support that I have gained, grown with and have shared with others. The excitement of watching them develop their own identity whilst respecting their roots is our dream come true. Some of my hobbies include painting, sewing different things for friends (purses, blouses, wallets, masks), and being outside in my garden. Watching plants grow from a seedling to a flourishing and flowering plant gives brings me joy. I am a silly, adventurous and laid-back individual.

Welcome to The Creek

We lovingly name our home The Creek as a nod to one of Daniels former camp cabins and due to our love of nature and bodies of water. We have a three-bedroom, single story home with an office and two living areas. The home was built in 2004 and is nestled in a very small hidden community with about 30 homes in total. The neighborhood is very tight and since it only consists of three streets very tight nit. Our home has a great-sized backyard that looks over a giant piece of land behind the home that is wooded. One of our hobbies is doing small renovations in the home that make it more "us". We rented the home two years prior to purchasing it and since purchase have renovated the fireplace, replaced all of the flooring, painted and repainted to fit our love of nature. A lot of blue and greens throughout and wood tones. Our neighborhood, while small and very quiet, is still very close to many big city attractions like museums, amusement parks, cultural events allowing our child to pursue many interests.

Our Pets

Vinnie is an Australian Cattle Dog and has energy for days! He is a Deaf dog that is extremely perceptive of facial expressions. Even though he is a large pup, he gets scared by the smallest bugs and sticks! Rizzy is a yellow Labrador/Husky mix and thinks she is a lap dog even though she is 60lbs! She and Vinnie are best friends and Rizzy is fantastic with children. If you give her one pet, she won't leave your side. Luna and Lilly are short hair white cats. Lilly thinks she is a dog and spends her day in the back yard sunbathing. Luna is stoic fluffball who likes to cuddle in private.
