Basic Info
Age: 36
Ethnicity: White
Religion: Christian
Denomination: Baptist
Age: 37
Ethnicity: White
Religion: Christian
Denomination: Baptist
Age: 36
Ethnicity: White
Religion: Christian
Denomination: Baptist
Age: 37
Ethnicity: White
Religion: Christian
Denomination: Baptist
Education: Master's Degree
Profession: Christian Education
Education: Master's Degree
Profession: Education
Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.
Country: USA
State: Texas
Parent Relationship: Married
Parent Neighborhood: Suburban
Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years
Parent Residency: House
Parent Pets: 2 Dogs
Children At Home: No children
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents
Age: Newborn to 1 year of age, 1 to 3 years of age
Gender: Either
Race/Ethnicity: African American (Half), Caucasian (Full), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Full), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Full), Asian (Half), American Indian (Full), American Indian (Half), Pacific Islander (Full), Pacific Islander (Half)
Special Needs: Open to discussion
Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.
It’s our honor to invite you into our story and to be invited into yours. We recognize you’ve walked a difficult road to get to where you are, and we thank you for taking this journey. We believe you are precious. We believe you are priceless. We believe you are made in the image of God, and you are loved. We believe the same about your child.
We believe everything happens for a reason, and it is not a coincidence our paths have crossed in this way. We’ve walked our own road of hardship, probably very different from yours. Ours includes heartache from infertility, miscarriage, and the loss of family members dear to us. We’ve felt the lowest of lows in our own way, but we also recognize that the greatest joys in life cannot be experienced unless one also knows the feeling of deep tragedy....
It’s our honor to invite you into our story and to be invited into yours. We recognize you’ve walked a difficult road to get to where you are, and we thank you for taking this journey. We believe you are precious. We believe you are priceless. We believe you are made in the image of God, and you are loved. We believe the same about your child.
We believe everything happens for a reason, and it is not a coincidence our paths have crossed in this way. We’ve walked our own road of hardship, probably very different from yours. Ours includes heartache from infertility, miscarriage, and the loss of family members dear to us. We’ve felt the lowest of lows in our own way, but we also recognize that the greatest joys in life cannot be experienced unless one also knows the feeling of deep tragedy. As we look toward bringing a child into our home (hopefully your child), we know our hearts are able to experience the strongest degrees of joy because of the road we’ve walked. We also know you have the capacity to feel that joy too. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but we pray you will experience it in the not-too-distant future.
Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.
Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.