


Age: 36

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 37

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age, 1 to 3 years of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: African American (Half), Caucasian (Full), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Full), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Full), Asian (Half), American Indian (Full), American Indian (Half), Pacific Islander (Full), Pacific Islander (Half)

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 36

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Baptist


Age: 37

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Baptist

Work & Education

Education: Master's Degree

Profession: Christian Education


Education: Master's Degree

Profession: Education

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: 2 Dogs

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age, 1 to 3 years of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: African American (Half), Caucasian (Full), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Full), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Full), Asian (Half), American Indian (Full), American Indian (Half), Pacific Islander (Full), Pacific Islander (Half)

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Our Adventures
Brianna eating some delicious BBQ on our Thanksgiving roadtrip to Nashville, TN
Brianna eating some delicious BBQ on our Thanksgiving roadtrip to Nash...
Clark on stage at the Grand Ole Opry during our Backstage Tour...Clark loves country music and really enjoyed the history of the building
Clark on stage at the Grand Ole Opry during our Backstage Tour...Clark...
Checking out the Brookfield Zoo on a summer road trip to Chicago. (One of the perks of Clark being a teacher is summer vacation!) Brianna saw her first polar bear at this zoo...kind of a bucket list thing!
Checking out the Brookfield Zoo on a summer road trip to Chicago. (One...
Here we are on the rim of the Grand Canyon! This was our first road trip here in 2015. We took a second road trip here with Brianna's siblings in 2017. We can't wait to go again with your child!
Here we are on the rim of the Grand Canyon! This was our first road tr...
Us having fun on a Go Rio river boat on the San Antonio Riverwalk. We love San Antonio and come here for visits as often as we can.
Us having fun on a Go Rio river boat on the San Antonio Riverwalk. We...
Last summer, we took a trip to Maine to visit Brianna's dad. We love the Maine coast, including lobster, and try to come here once a year or so.
Last summer, we took a trip to Maine to visit Brianna's dad. We love t...
Here we are with Brianna's brother, Nick, in San Francisco. Nick has lived in San Francisco for over 10 years and took us to all the great touristy spots!
Here we are with Brianna's brother, Nick, in San Francisco. Nick has l...
We went to New York City for our anniversary in 2016. Here we are at Central Park. We also caught a couple of Broadway shows, including an off-Broadway show that one of Brianna's childhood friends was in and did some sightseeing.
We went to New York City for our anniversary in 2016. Here we are at C...
Back on the coast of Maine with Brianna's dad. Brianna's dad has lived in Maine for 35+ years. We love going back to visit and especially love being near the water together.
Back on the coast of Maine with Brianna's dad. Brianna's dad has lived...
A view of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri. We were heading to Chicago on another summer road trip and had to stop for a photo!
A view of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri. We were heading to...
Here we are taking a drive into the White Mountains in New Hampshire. The White Mountains are a couple hour drive from Brianna's dad's house. Right after taking this picture, we met another couple who had just seen a bear on that mountain!
Here we are taking a drive into the White Mountains in New Hampshire....
Clark loving life on a Maine beach! We're excited for your child to experience trips like these with us!
Clark loving life on a Maine beach! We're excited for your child to ex...
Our Pets
Our dogs, Jack and Lucy, sitting up tall waiting for a treat :P
Our dogs, Jack and Lucy, sitting up tall waiting for a treat :P
Jack and Lucy snuggling together on the couch. They do this pretty much every night.
Jack and Lucy snuggling together on the couch. They do this pretty muc...
Jack and Lucy looking intently into the camera!
Jack and Lucy looking intently into the camera!
Jack and Lucy hanging out in the hallway
Jack and Lucy hanging out in the hallway
Lucy nestling into the couch after a busy (or maybe not too busy) day.
Lucy nestling into the couch after a busy (or maybe not too busy) day.
Jack and Lucy snuggles! We call them our
Jack and Lucy snuggles! We call them our "fur babies"... :)
Jack and Lucy out for a walk in the park. This park is about a mile and a half from our house and has a pond and lots of ducks near the walking path.
Jack and Lucy out for a walk in the park. This park is about a mile an...
Our Families
Brianna and her brother, Nick, enjoying the harbor on our trip to San Francisco
Brianna and her brother, Nick, enjoying the harbor on our trip to San...
Clark's dad and our sister-in-law, Danielle, with Brianna in Clark's dad's kitchen. We love family time!
Clark's dad and our sister-in-law, Danielle, with Brianna in Clark's d...
Brianna's friends, Hyejin and Sarah, having lunch. Hyein and Brianna have been friends for 6+ years and used to work together. Brianna was also Hyejin's maid-of-honor in her wedding. Today, Hyejin brought a
Brianna's friends, Hyejin and Sarah, having lunch. Hyein and Brianna h...
Brianna, Aunt Cindy, and Jamie on the coast of Florida for our annual family trip to the beach!
Brianna, Aunt Cindy, and Jamie on the coast of Florida for our annual...
Brianna's childhood dance teacher, Ms. Vicky, and her childhood best friend and fellow dance partner, Michelle.  Ms. Vicky was like a second mom to Brianna growing up and played a huge role in her life.
Brianna's childhood dance teacher, Ms. Vicky, and her childhood best f...
Family Zoom Night! COVID all our worlds in lots of ways, but one of the best things was that we started a weekly family Zoom call with Brianna's siblings that's still going strong, 18 months later!
Family Zoom Night! COVID all our worlds in lots of ways, but one of th...
Clark and his brother, Nick, having family Christmas at his parents' house. Both Clark and Brianna have a younger brother named Nick!
Clark and his brother, Nick, having family Christmas at his parents' h...
Clark and his dad at a good ole' fashion East Texas rodeo!
Clark and his dad at a good ole' fashion East Texas rodeo!
Clark and his mom dancing the mother-son dance at our wedding. Clark's mom passed away at the end of 2019. It was such a sad time for all of us, but we're so grateful for the legacy she left in our lives and for the people we are because of her.
Clark and his mom dancing the mother-son dance at our wedding. Clark's...
Road trip to the Grand Canyon with Brianna's siblings in 2017! We love being together and try to take a family trip once a year.
Road trip to the Grand Canyon with Brianna's siblings in 2017! We love...
Us with Brianna's dad! Here we are in Maine, waiting for a ferry to take us from a small island off the coast back to the mainland.
Us with Brianna's dad! Here we are in Maine, waiting for a ferry to ta...
Clark playing with our nieces. They think he's a jungle gym!
Clark playing with our nieces. They think he's a jungle gym!
At one of our favorite Mexican restaurants with Clark's dad, brother, and extended family.
At one of our favorite Mexican restaurants with Clark's dad, brother,...
Making a stop for some famous
Making a stop for some famous "throwed rolls" at Lambert's Cafe in Ala...
Enjoying the beautiful Florida beach with Clark's Uncle Richard and Aunt Nancy! They live in Louisana so we see them a few times a year.
Enjoying the beautiful Florida beach with Clark's Uncle Richard and Au...
Another family selfie! Here we are with Brianna's siblings and their spouses and children on a sibling trip to the Grand Canyon. We rented a house together near the canyon and had a wonderful time.
Another family selfie! Here we are with Brianna's siblings and their s...


Meet Brianna & Clark!
Get to know more about us!


Brianna and Clark spending time outside.

As we look toward bringing a child into our home (hopefully your child), we know our hearts are able to experience the strongest degrees of joy because of the road we’ve walked.

It’s our honor to invite you into our story and to be invited into yours. We recognize you’ve walked a difficult road to get to where you are, and we thank you for taking this journey. We believe you are precious. We believe you are priceless. We believe you are made in the image of God, and you are loved. We believe the same about your child.
We believe everything happens for a reason, and it is not a coincidence our paths have crossed in this way. We’ve walked our own road of hardship, probably very different from yours. Ours includes heartache from infertility, miscarriage, and the loss of family members dear to us. We’ve felt the lowest of lows in our own way, but we also recognize that the greatest joys in life cannot be experienced unless one also knows the feeling of deep tragedy....

It’s our honor to invite you into our story and to be invited into yours. We recognize you’ve walked a difficult road to get to where you are, and we thank you for taking this journey. We believe you are precious. We believe you are priceless. We believe you are made in the image of God, and you are loved. We believe the same about your child.
We believe everything happens for a reason, and it is not a coincidence our paths have crossed in this way. We’ve walked our own road of hardship, probably very different from yours. Ours includes heartache from infertility, miscarriage, and the loss of family members dear to us. We’ve felt the lowest of lows in our own way, but we also recognize that the greatest joys in life cannot be experienced unless one also knows the feeling of deep tragedy. As we look toward bringing a child into our home (hopefully your child), we know our hearts are able to experience the strongest degrees of joy because of the road we’ve walked. We also know you have the capacity to feel that joy too. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but we pray you will experience it in the not-too-distant future.

Why Adoption

Adoption was always in the back of our minds, though. After six years of fertility treatments, procedures, and a miscarriage, we began to pray seriously about adoption and if this route was God’s plan for our family.

Brianna and Clark during their engagement photos.
As a young twenty-year-old, adoption was something that was strongly on Brianna’s heart. She knew that she would love to grow her family in this way someday and loved the beautiful picture that adoption showed to the world about God’s heart for His people. When we first got married in 2013, we discussed adoption as an option for our family but decided to try to grow our family biologically first. Adoption was always in the back of our minds, though. After six years of fertility treatments, procedures, and a miscarriage, we began to pray seriously about adoption and if this route was God’s plan for our family. During the height of COVID, we sought the Lord again for His plan for our family. After another heartbreaking medical procedure, we felt Him release our hearts to fully pursue adoption. Now, with fertility treatments behind us, we’re excited to be a part of God’s work through adoption in our own family!
Our Story

We talk about everything, enjoy being silly together, and are truly each other’s best friend.

Brianna and Clark on their wedding day.
It was a dark and stormy night…just kidding! It was a perfectly normal Sunday afternoon about nine years ago. Brianna was working at our church as a preschool teacher, and Clark was visiting a worship service with his brother and sister-in-law. Clark had just moved to our city a few months before and was trying out new churches. Brianna was attending the evening service of the church since she had worked in the preschool that morning. Clark and Brianna started talking and hit it off! Clark talked about his college summers as a youth ministry intern, and Brianna’s heart was doing jumping jacks on the inside. (A guy with a ministry heart is hard to find!) Our first date was at a Red Robin on a Sunday after church several weeks later. We had both been in relationships before and were intentional about discussing important issues early on in our relationship. After four months of dating, Clark proposed two days before Brianna’s birthday on a paddle boat in her favorite park. Brianna was so surprised that she hesitated in responding…so much that the paddle boat floated towards the geyser in the middle of the pond and we both got wet! The first person we shared the good news with was the paddle boat attendant on the dock! Eight months later, we were married on a beautiful October day with friends and family surrounding. Since that day, our relationship has been characterized by fun, spontaneity, adventure, and love. We enjoy just spending time on the couch together as well as taking impromptu road trips across the United States. We talk about everything, enjoy being silly together, and are truly each other’s best friend.
Our Adventures

We love to travel and go on adventures. We both love the great outdoors and big city life, so we have explored a great deal of the country on road trips together.

Brianna and Clark on one of their many adventures together.
We love to travel and go on adventures. We both love the great outdoors and big city life, so we have explored a great deal of the country on road trips together. The Grand Canyon, the Ozark Mountains, and Niagara Falls are just a few places we have visited. We also love to enjoy what cities like Nashville, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, and countless others have to offer. The truth is, it doesn’t matter where the adventure takes us. We just love each other’s company as we enjoy doing life together. In terms of hobbies, Clark likes to spend his time hunting and fishing when he has the time. He has grown to love those outdoor hobbies from spending time with his father as a child. Clark also enjoys announcing events and enjoys spending many Friday nights announcing varsity high school football games as well as other sporting events. Brianna has training in dance and has performed and taught dance for many years. She still takes dance classes when she has the time and enjoys watching performances.
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


We love taking our dogs to the off-lease dog park near our house. The dogs love it too!
We love great Mexican food! We had these amazing tacos on our trip to Guadalajara this year.
We love our family! This is us with our first niece, Conley, the day after she was born.
We love going out with friends!
We love popcorn and movie nights! Popcorn popped on the stove, just like my grandma used to make, tastes the best!
We love crawfish! We have our own boiling equipment. Yum!!
We love the rodeo! We try to go every year.
We love relaxing at home with our two dogs!
We love lobster...and trips to Maine to visit family!
We love football! Clark announces games for his district every fall...the view from the press box is great!


Thanksgiving Gathering

We love our family! Brianna has 3 siblings. We get together as a family every year at a different sibling's home to celebrate Thanksgiving. This year, we went to Jason & Aimee's house in Ohio. We went bowling, visited the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, and made a delicious home-cooked Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings! We love adventures (we've been to Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon together as siblings), and we also love talking and playing games together for hours. This photo includes all of Brianna's siblings, significant others, and nephew.

Grandmom's 100th Birthday

Last week, we got to spend a week with Clark's grandma on the East Coast and celebrate her 100th birthday! What a milestone! We had lots of great family time, including a big dinner party with all of the cousins and their kids. We can't wait for your child to become part of this family and join us for the next family trip!

Play Ball!

We're so blessed to get to spend Easter Weekend with Clark's dad (affectionately called "Granddude" by our nieces)! Last night, we went to a baseball game at our local minor league park. We had a lot of fun watching the game, eating baseball snacks (nachos and peanuts are our favorites), and just being together. There were lots of kids from local Little League teams there too which reminded us how excited we are to welcome a child into our own home one day!

Lunch with Grandma Jacque

The people in our life are so important to us! Earlier this month, Jacque took Brianna out to lunch for her birthday. Jacque is a very special lady in our lives. When a child joins our family, Jacque will be his or her adopted grandmother! Jacque has been part of our lives for 10+ years. She helped us plan our wedding and she recently purchased the rocking chair for our nursery!

Baby Goats!

Last weekend, we had a Live Nativity for the preschoolers at church. I (Brianna) love that my job includes planning great events like this one! We had a live cast act out the story of Jesus' birth, complete with Mary, Joseph, a shepherd, a donkey, and two-week-old baby goats like this one! Here's Clark holding one of the precious goats. I loved that the kids were more excited to see Baby Jesus than the baby goats...but those goats really were cute! We hope to bring your child with us to this event next year!

Game Night

We love our friends! We had a game night with friends from our church last month. These are people we do life with. We've been in each other's homes, we support each other in good times and in difficult times, and we just love spending time together. All of them are so excited about our adoption and can't wait to meet the newest addition to our family!

Anniversary Dinner

We celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary last month! Clark was in charge of planning the evening, and he did a great job. After work, we went out for Malaysian food at a delicious restaurant near our house. Then we had cream puffs at a yummy dessert place. Clark brought home flowers and Cheetos (my favorite junk food) too, so extra points for that! We're hoping to celebrate next year with a little one in our home!

Trip to Guadalajara

Got to travel to Guadalajara, Mexico for the wedding of a dear friend this week! It was our first time to Mexico, and we loved it. We did a lot of sightseeing and met some amazing people. The wedding was beautiful, and Clark did a great job officiating. (It was his first wedding to officiate, and he was so honored to do it ) The food was amazing too. We can't wait to come back to Mexico again sometime soon!

Meet Brianna

Brianna is a sweet, kindhearted woman who loves people well. She is very passionate about dance, starting from childhood and making her way to a professional dance company in a major Texas city. Although she doesn’t dance professionally anymore, she can still be found dancing her own creative choreography around the house with a huge smile on her face. She has had the pleasure of teaching dance classes to kids for 20+ years of her life, sharing her gift and love for dance with the next generation. She has worked for our church for 10+ years in the Preschool Ministry in a variety of capacities helping lead the little kids to Christ while creating a safe environment for them to learn and grow. She loves little kids so much and her job allows her to make huge impacts in the lives of countless numbers of children and families. When she interacts with little kids, the smiles and laughter come so naturally and it’s wonderful to witness. She works hard at her job, but she also cares deeply about me, our dogs, and other family members too. She lives sacrificially, putting the needs of others before her own. She is an amazing support system for me providing the respect, love, and encouragement needed to help me lead the family. Brianna has one of the purest hearts on the planet. She gives of herself daily for others and her empathy and compassion for others is astounding. Brianna may be a little shy in big crowds, but she’s intentional about who she meets and strikes up conversations with. If you become friends with her, you have a friend for life. She is the sweetest woman that I could have ever dreamed to live out life with.

Meet Clark

Clark loves fun, adventure, and spending time together as a family. He loves fishing and hunting trips with his dad and other male mentor figures in his life. Clark is faithful and loyal to his commitments and to the people in his life. He became a high school teacher right out of college and has continued faithfully in this profession for the past 14 years (he can’t believe it’s been that long already)! He is passionate about his work and about impacting the lives of the next generation. He teaches business classes as well as career prep and digital art/animation classes at a large high school and is also the head adviser of their local Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). He loves taking his FBLA kids on trips to state and national competitions and workshops so they can have experiences he didn’t get to have as a child. Every year, Clark gets at least one letter from a student telling him that he was their favorite teacher and inspired them to pursue a career in business. Clark cares deeply about his students and their futures. His students know it, and they confide in him as a mentor and father figure. Clark loves to participate in extracurricular activities at school too. He regularly serves as the PA Announcer for district football games, pairing his love of football, love for students, and great radio voice! (He did radio announcing earlier on in his career.) Clark is also active at church. He has taught our adult Sunday School class for the past five years, making sure that the lesson is ready and teaching it with skill each Sunday. He also volunteers as a Door Greeter/Security Guard for the Preschool Ministry at our church once a month. Clark is the kind of man who is always there when you need him. He’ll drop everything to make sure his family is okay, and he’ll do it graciously. He is easy-going and is well-loved by everyone he meets. He enjoys being the life of the party as well as spending quiet time at home with me and our two dogs. He is prayerful and takes initiative to pray together with me nearly every morning before work. He also loves taking day trips, road trips, and other adventures with his family!

Our Pets

We have two fun loving dogs in our lives named Jack and Lucy. We adopted Jack within our first year of marriage. He was a rescue from the local animal shelter in town, and he quickly became part of the family. After about one year with Jack, some friends of ours offered us the chance to take care of a sweet little female puppy. We thought Jack could use a friend, so we tested out their relationship with each other to see if it would be a good fit. Jack right away become a mentor figure for Lucy, and we could tell that they would get along with each other just fine. Since then it’s been almost six years as a “pack” together, and they bring us joy every day. Personality-wise, Jack is the quiet, reserved one while Lucy is sassy and vocal. We have a wonderful dog park about a mile from our house, so we take them there frequently to run around and play. They make friends with whomever they meet (dog or human)! They are also great with children and love when our nieces come over to visit. They are the sweetest dogs, and we are blessed to have them in our lives!
