


Age: 40

Ethnicity: White

Religion: None


Age: 37

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: All ages

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 40

Ethnicity: White

Religion: None


Age: 37

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Catholic

Work & Education

Education: Post-Graduate

Profession: Corporate Lawyer


Education: Post-Graduate

Profession: College Dance Professor/Professional Dancer

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: New York

Parent Relationship: Unmarried Couple

Parent Neighborhood: Urban

Parent Years Together: 15 to 20 years

Parent Residency: Apartment

Parent Pets: 3 Cats

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Same-sex parents

Preferences for a child

Age: All ages

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: All

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Badge Icon

Adoption Service Provider

Rosenstock Lowe & Nichols



Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering us to the adoptive parents of your child.
Hi And Thank You!

Your child will be entering a home filled with unconditional love and complete security with many educational, extra-curricular, travel among other opportunities should you choose us to be his or her parents.

Thank you so much for considering us to be the adoptive parents of your child. We understand the difficult decision to make an adoption plan. We are a family who loves children but is not able to have children on our own, so we particularly recognize your generosity. Should you choose to bless us, we will never take your tremendous act of generosity for granted.

We have been wanting children for a long time and are excited to devote our lives to a child. We hope that learning about us will give you comfort in knowing that your child will be entering a home filled with unconditional love and complete security with many educational, extra-curricular, travel among other opportunities should you choose us to be his or her parents. We would raise your child knowing about the deep lo...

Thank you so much for considering us to be the adoptive parents of your child. We understand the difficult decision to make an adoption plan. We are a family who loves children but is not able to have children on our own, so we particularly recognize your generosity. Should you choose to bless us, we will never take your tremendous act of generosity for granted.

We have been wanting children for a long time and are excited to devote our lives to a child. We hope that learning about us will give you comfort in knowing that your child will be entering a home filled with unconditional love and complete security with many educational, extra-curricular, travel among other opportunities should you choose us to be his or her parents. We would raise your child knowing about the deep love you have for him or her and the tremendous sacrifice you made for us, in making us their parents.

We love children and have wanted to be parents for many years and feel ready to make the lifelong commitment to your child. We have a lot of love to give that we will share with your child. We will nurture your child’s interests and help guide them into being the best version of themself by supporting their personal goals and endeavors. We want the best for him or her and will be good role models by always being loving, generous and accepting people.

We are emotionally, physically and financially ready to become fathers together. We both have very successful careers with lots of flexibility so that we can be completely involved fathers. Chase is an experienced corporate attorney and Greg is a university dance professor and expert advisor. We own our home so your child would have a beautiful, stable home to grow up in.

We plan on raising a child with unconditional love. Your child will be our number one priority and have confidence in him or herself and knowing that we will be there to support him or her through good times and disappointments. We will provide lots of different educational, travel, cultural opportunities. We will raise him or her to be an independent thinker and as such education will be very important. Education has helped us both of our lives and we want to provide that for your child. We will help your child foster their own individual interests, whether that be athletics, the arts, science or otherwise. We want to expose your child to the world and to be accepting of differences (be it physical or cultural) as that is how we live our lives. Most importantly, your child will feel loved, appreciated, and supported throughout his or her life and to know that we are always here for them no matter what.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering us to be the lucky adoptive parents for your child. We hope that this book helps you to get to know us better and makes you feel confident that your child will be in a home full of love, family and adventure.

We would love to get to know you better and hear about your dreams for your child. You can reach us by calling or texting 1-800-991-2531 or emailing us at We are happy to answer any questions to help you get to know us better.

If you have any questions about us or the legal process, please feel free to contact our attorney, Suzanne Nichols, at 1-800-255-1415.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Greg and Chase

Get to Know Greg

My upbringing has instilled in me that family is everything.

Greg co-leading a dance class at Lincoln Center
Chase’s thoughts on Greg

Greg is an artist. He can always be found dancing around at home, including giving our neighbor’s daughter ballet lessons. He is also very analytical and resilient, having combined his creative spirit with his interest in science. I have seen him follow his dreams in dance and science. I know that he will help to foster your child’s dreams and help him or her believe in themselves.

Greg is very much the heart of our relationship. He is very social and keeps us connected with those that we love and that love us. He has a close relationship with our family. He even took off three weeks to support my mom’s recovery from knee surgery – very much overturning the trope about partners and mothers-in-law! He made sure she did her physical therapy and exercises, cooked for her, and genuinely made sure she was okay. I know that his loving nature will make him a great father and I can’t wait to see share that love with your child.

My Life Growing Up: Greg

I grew up in Upstate NY, with mom Maritza, my dad Greg Sr. and my two brothers Roberto (one year older) and Radel (twelve years younger). My mom is Dominican and dad is American, so I grew up celebrating two cultures. I love both ‘pastelitos’ and hamburgers.

I was an outgoing kid who played soccer, participated in theatre and eventually my dad put me in dance class, which became my life passion. I excelled in dance and spent my after-school hours honing that discipline. I was able to participate in many local shows and competitions including dancing for the Mrs. New York America pageant and performing with a touring children’s dance troupe. I am still good friends with many of the kids I used to do theater and dance with.

Growing up most summers and Christmases were spent in the Dominican Republic with my mom’s extended family. In the Dominican Republic, I was able to explore nature and be a kid with my many cousins (and I mean many!). One of my favorite memories is riding horses and running them up and down the beach. I loved the beach and swimming and still do! Chase and I will expose your child to lots of travel and as many different activities as possible so that he or she can find their own special talents.

My upbringing has instilled in me that family is everything. We have much love to give and will raise your child with the same warmth and support that we grew up with.

Greg: A life in Dance, Disability and Science

Once I graduated college, I was lucky enough to pursue and enjoy 13+ years as a professional dancer in NYC. This was a dream that I had since childhood. One of the companies that I spent several years dancing for was a physically-integrated dance company – meaning that some of the dancers were disabled and some were non-disabled. Creating work and dancing with that company shaped my life work. I have a passion for helping people move better. After hanging up my dancing shoes, I attended graduate school for human movement science and worked in rehabilitation science for people with disabilities.

I now work in arts for health. This allows me to combine my dance, disability, and science backgrounds in one position. Currently, I am on faculty at a university and serve on the board of a few other science and dance non-profits around the world. Most of my current research focus is on the benefits of dance for people with neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Because of my work, we get invited to several dance and science events around the City and the world! That is just a bonus, as I love bringing the joy of dance to all communities. It’s this joy that I cannot wait to bring to my own family living room dance parties.

Family: Greg’s Side Of Our Family

We are close with Greg’s immediate and extended family. Greg’s mom, Maritza, was born in the Dominican Republic and has lived in New York for 37 years. Greg’s first language is Spanish and he is excited to expose your child to both languages. We visit Greg’s extended family in the Dominican Republic often. Greg’s mom Maritza is very excited to love and spend time with her first grandchild. She used to take Greg to the museums and is looking forward to taking your child there as well. Greg’s brothers Roberto and Radel are looking forward to having a niece or nephew to spoil.

Both Greg’s mom Maritza and dad (Greg Sr.) come from big families of seven kids which means Greg has lots of aunts, uncles and cousins, who are all ready to love your child. Sadly, Greg Sr. passed away in 2019, but we still visit that side of the family in Montana, which is right outside of Yellowstone National Park.

Getting to Know Chase

Chase is a true caretaker and will do anything to help his family and friends

Chase with Jasper on a trip to Italy
Greg’s thoughts on Chase

Chase is optimistic, generous, and kind. He has proven himself to be a true caretaker and will do anything to help his family and friends. This comes out in the day to day as he demonstrates his ‘southern charm’ stopping to help others at every turn. I’ve even seen Chase go as far as hopping on a plane to multiple locations such as Guatemala, Egypt and China to reunite one of his best friends with her cats. And the most striking thing? He doesn’t expect anything in return. It goes without saying that Chase cares deeply about those around him.

In addition to his genuine heart and calm demeanor, he is one of the smartest people I know and a wonderful cook. He cooks us delicious homemade meals all the time. I can’t wait to see him teaching your child about cooking and getting them involved in the kitchen!

Chase hasn’t lost touch of his inner child. He loves to play with Legos and was excited when the TV show Lego Masters came out. He has a collection of Lego sets and toy cars in his office. I can imagine him getting down on the floor and playing with your child and his or her Legos, bringing life to the characters and broadening his or her imagination. He will be a phenomenal father because of his love of play along with his responsible, kind generous heart.

My Life Growing Up: Chase

I was born in a small town in Texas where I lived with my mom Geri, dad Hugh and my younger brother Prentice (2.5 years younger). True to my Texan roots, I grew up raising cows and have a love for Texas BBQ.

When I was 5 years old, my parents brought home our first computer (a big thing in the 1980s). This started my passion for coding and video games. Thankfully, the graphics on video games are now much better than the games that I grew up with!

Growing up, our family took annual trips to Colorado for skiing and hiking. This, together, with international trips to places like France, Switzerland, and Germany, ignited my love of travel and the outdoors. One of favorite memories are from these times is climbing the Eiffel Tower with my family.

At an early age, I found my interests were in music, books, and learning. By the time I was 15, I began taking college course at the local community college. I have always loved learning and feel that education is very important.

Chase: Legal(ly) Blonde

After college, I worked as a programmer and soon figured out that wasn’t my calling. It was over pancakes with friends that I realized I wanted to pursue my interest in law and thereafter enrolled in law school. I dedicated myself to law, earning two law degrees. In another stroke of fate, while in law school, I walked by a law firm and told my mom that was where I wanted to work. I have now been with that law firm for over 16 years!

Family: Chase’s Side Of Our Family

Chase’s mom, Geri, lives in the Colorado Rockies, where she loves to spend time in outdoors hiking and kayaking. Geri is very much looking forward to spending as much time as possible with your child. Chase’s dad, Hugh, lives in the same house where Chase grew up in East Texas. Hugh is quite the collector and will surely be able to tell your child about history. Chase’s parents are divorced and his father Hugh has been with his partner Jan for over 20 years. Jan will be another loving Grandmother for your child.

Chase’s brother, Prentice, and his wife, Ashley, live in Texas as well. They just had their first child, Addison Amanda, who would be your child’s cousin. They would be playmates as she is only a year old. Uncle Prentice is already talking about taking your child fishing and Aunt Ashley can’t wait to paint and do crafts with your child.

Get to Know Us

Oh the places you will go - Dr. Seuss

We love theatre and the outdoors!
How We Met:

We’re a modern love story and met through online dating, where we had an instant spark. Greg was living in Long Island and Chase was an hour away in New York City. Somehow Chase persuaded Greg to meet for an 8am breakfast date in the City, a date that Greg missed by accidentally sleeping in, standing Chase up, only waking to Chase’s phone call. Greg felt terrible, thought that was the end of a potential relationship, but learned the importance of setting an alarm!

Together 15 years:

As fate would have it, we held on to each other’s phone numbers. A year later, Greg moved to New York City and, thinking about an opportunity missed, decided to take a chance and text Chase. Chase hadn’t forgotten about Greg and agreed to a do-over date later that night, but no time or place had been set. Greg called Chase to coordinate and, in a stroke of fate, Greg was unknowingly standing outside Chase’s home. Chase could see the ‘guy in the grey striped t-shirt’ from his window! Chase came downstairs and we went to Starbucks for our original coffee date which continued into dinner and the beginning of our happily ever after. We have now been happily together for over 15 years.

Our Cats:

We have three rescue cats who we adore: Atlas, Orion and ‘Miss’ Isis. They are named after Greek, Roman and Egyptian mythology. All three cats are happy to snuggle up with friends and their children when they visit.

How we spend our time together:

We have both been living in New York City for many years and have gone to school in and around the City. As such, we have developed a great network of friends with whom we enjoy spending time. Many of those friends also have young children and we look forward to organizing playdates.

We are both theater lovers who enjoy lots of genres ranging from Broadway shows, opera, ballet and musical concerts. We are excited at the opportunity to share these experiences with your child.

Our love of food:

We make time for each other every night, which often centers around dinner. Chase is the chef. He loves his kitchen toys and is always trying out new concoctions. We both value a good home cooked meal. We are also both foodies at heart and enjoy exploring the vast culinary culture that New York City has to offer. We like to try food from different cultures and enjoy food ranging from a street cart to fine dining. One of our favorite restaurants in New York City is a Korean restaurant. We are looking forward to sharing our love of food with your child.

Fun near home:

New York City has an abundance of parks, which we enjoy visiting as much as we can. We like spending time in the park with friends or just laying out reading a good book. Chase loves riding bikes and we both have participated in the five-borough bike tour. Our home is next to a small park with a playground and water features, which we are looking forward to taking your child to. Moreover, our home is near a big sports complex which has a lot of kids’ teams and activities, including an indoor skating rink. Whatever sport your child decides they want to play, they have a team and classes!

Lots to do in New York City:

New York City is also full of museums. Our favorite museums include the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) and the Natural History Museum, which we have been members of for a long time. Chase used to study in the MOMA while he was in school. Greg really loves history and part of his dance career was reconstructing dances from the 17th century. Greg loves going to see 17th century nativity scene at the Metropolitan Museum at Christmas, along with big Christmas tree . We are looking forward to experiencing these and other museums with your child, like the Children’s Museum which we lived across the street from for 12 years!

Vacations: Going Away

Ever since traveling overseas with his mom, Chase had developed a love of travel and world exploration! Chase has shared this adoration with Greg and it has grown into a shared passion. We typically go on a large vacation every year. We love visiting new places and creating new memories. We can’t wait to share the world with your child!

Our first vacation together was to London and Paris. We explored all the major sights like Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower. We loved looking at the architecture, seeing shows, dining out, visiting museums and just sitting with a cup of coffee watching the city pass.

Together we have visited all 7 continents including Antarctica and 25 countries, including Egypt, New Zealand, Japan, Peru and, one of our personal favorites, Croatia. We also enjoy exploring the US, including the national parks such as the Grand Canyon, Zion and Bryce. We love being outdoors and can’t wait to enjoy the great outdoors with your child.


There are so many ways to experience Halloween in New York City! Every neighborhood has its own mini parade and there is also a large NYC Halloween parade. We can choose to go out and enjoy festivities and even trick or treat at stores and shops. This year, all the kids stopped by our home before going trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. We can’t wait for your child to make friends of their own and to experience Halloween as a family!


Thanksgiving in NYC is a very special time. There’s the iconic Macy’s Day Parade which never disappoints! The night before the big parade, you can watch all the big balloons being blown up which is always a fun time for young children! We cannot wait until we can take your child to the parade and watch their jaw drop and their inevitable joy when the floats pass by!

We have a few different ways we celebrate Thanksgiving. Chase’s family is from the South and does a traditional Thanksgiving with all the fixings. Chase’s mom, brother and our sister in-law Ashley all join in on the fun. Our sister-in-law Ashley goes all out with the Thanksgiving decorations. We have also had a new addition to our family in Addison, our one-year-old niece, who will be running around in no time. Everyone typically makes a dish, with Chase known for his gravy! It is typically a Thanksgiving lunch which ends with everyone watching football.

When we go to visit Greg’s side of our family Greg’s Mom does most of the cooking filling the house with the smell of delicious casseroles, mashed potatoes and ‘pastelitos’. These are a deep-fried Dominican empanada, a holiday favorite. Chase can never get enough of these! It isn’t Thanksgiving without turkey and stuffing (Chase again makes the gravy). Greg’s brothers and their girlfriends join as well as aunts, uncles, and cousins. Cousin Genie has two young kids, Alani and Navid, who brighten up the holiday. We love food and can’t wait to share our love and passion for food with family and friends with your child.


Then there’s the most magical time of the year...Christmas. We promise that it’s especially magical in New York City. All the shops put lights and decorations in their windows. We have many friends in holiday shows like the Radio City Christmas show which we are excited to take your child to see! There is also the snow. Greg has a not-so-secret obsession with Christmas movies. Greg’s mom, Maritza, decorates for Christmas including showcasing her collection of Santa Clauses.

Chase’s mom, Geri makes stockings for all of us and is very excited to make a stocking for your child. Chase would make and decorate cookies with his mom and put cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve. He looks forward to helping your child make cookies for Santa. Greg was always the first one awake Christmas morning to open presents, still in his PJs. We always let the little ones open presents first and they get to pass out presents to everyone. We look to seeing the joy on your child’s face when they open their presents, just like we did with our families.

How we celebrate Christmas is also varied. Some years, we go to Rochester to spend it with Greg’s side of our family and enjoy a white Christmas. Some years we go to Colorado or Texas to spend it with Chase’s side of our family. Some years we even travel for Christmas. One year we spent Christmas in Egypt with our friends Holli and Ben. We even got stockings with Santa and pyramids, which we still have. This year, for example, we were able to spend Christmas in Chile. No matter where we are in the world, we will call or Facetime with our family to all be connected.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering us to be the lucky adoptive parents for your child. We hope that this book helps you to get to know us better and makes you feel confident that your child will be in a home full of love, family and adventure.

We would love to get to know you better and hear about your dreams for your child. You can reach us by calling or texting 1-800-991-2531 or emailing us at We are happy to answer any questions to help you get to know us better.

If you have any questions about us or the legal process, please feel free to contact our attorney, Suzanne Nichols, at 1-800-255-1415.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Greg and Chase
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: New York

Parent Relationship: Unmarried Couple

Parent Neighborhood: Urban

Parent Years Together: 15 to 20 years

Parent Residency: Apartment

Parent Pets: 3 Cats

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Same-sex parents


We can't wait to see your child's face light up on their first family vacation.
With family from Texas, Montana and the Dominican Republic horseback riding is always a fun activity.
New York City is full of opportunities!
There are so many ways to be active together. Chase is an avid cyclist.


Kelli Sussman Jarvis (Close Family Friend )

I have known Chase and Greg for close to ten years. My husband and Chase are business partners, we have spent lots of time together, and we have grown quite close over the years. We have traveled together internationally and within the US. I feel very confident in recommending them as adoptive parents. In fact, when my husband and I welcome our third child in the coming year, we plan to ask them to be the God Parents. Chase and Greg have a strong, loving bond, they are secure in their love for each other, and they are eager to welcome a child of their own to share in this love. They will provide a most loving, secure, stable and nurturing home for a child, as they have all the characteristics you would want in parents - they have good judgment, they are kind, they are generous, and extremely loving, they are thoughtful, they want more than anything to be parents, and they will prioritize their role as parents above all else. I know that any child would be extremely lucky to have chase and Greg as parents. I cannot wait to see their dream come true. Please feel free to contact me if there’s any more.

Kelli Sussman Jarvis Endorsed Adventurous, Supportive, Honest, Patience, Loving

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