


Age: 41

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 44

Ethnicity: Black/African American

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age, 1 to 3 years of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 41

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational


Age: 44

Ethnicity: Black/African American

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational

Work & Education

Education: Masters

Profession: Children's Mental Health


Education: Bachelor's

Profession: Investments


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: Apartment

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age, 1 to 3 years of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins, Triplets or more

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.



Jenn and Alex

We respect the person you are and hope you can feel that sentiment in our words.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We cannot imagine the feelings in your heart right now. We respect the person
you are and hope you can feel that sentiment in our words. You probably have a lot weighing on your mind and we wish we could give you a big hug and talk with you over a cup of coffee! We think you are a strong and protective parent to consider adoption. We hope you experience peace as you navigate through this journey and decide what is best for your family.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We cannot imagine the feelings in your heart right now. We respect the person
you are and hope you can feel that sentiment in our words. You probably have a lot weighing on your mind and we wish we could give you a big hug and talk with you over a cup of coffee! We think you are a strong and protective parent to consider adoption. We hope you experience peace as you navigate through this journey and decide what is best for your family.

Why Adoption

They are ready with open and arms and hearts to welcome a child into the family.

Jenn, Alex, and family
We talked about adoption early on when we were dating so it’s always been in our hearts.
We thought we would get pregnant and add adoption to that, but God had other plans for us when the time came. We went to fertility specialists after not being able to conceive and the results weren’t ideal. We could have tried some medical interventions but didn’t think that was right for us. We felt in our heart of hearts we were meant to adopt – not as a “second choice” but as THE choice! We didn’t make the decision impulsively or quickly. We gave ourselves time to grieve not being able to get pregnant. We talked to family and friends, we journaled and got involved with our church. One day we were sitting in church and the whole message was about adoption. We were both in tears and felt so convicted – as if God was saying “now is the time”. Not too long after that we started exploring adoption agencies. When we decided on Gladney and started the process it felt completely right. Our family and friends couldn’t be any happier for us! They have supported us wholeheartedly in this decision and we are grateful for that. They are ready with open and arms and hearts to welcome a child into the family. This is a beautiful story unfolding and we are excited to be a part of it!
Our Story

We take joy in the small things – sometimes that’s dancing in the kitchen while cleaning or sharing our day over a meal.

Jenn and Alex
We met 21 years ago at a call center we worked at while in college. We were young and didn’t really know what we wanted out of life, but we knew we had something special between us. We dated and kept it light for a while but no matter what life threw at us, we always came back to each other. We decided to get more serious after graduating college because we knew we wanted to be with each other no matter what. Alex proposed on Christmas Eve in front of our Christmas tree! Our family and friends were so excited that we were finally getting married! We had a beautiful wedding in 2016, surrounded by our loved ones. We are best friends, as cheesy as that may sound, and have learned so much from each other through the years. We are easy-going people who truly love just being with each other. We like to be goofy and silly together and are always up for a new adventure. We take care of each other by doing small things for each other that are actually big things to the other person. Alex buys Jenn flowers regularly and surprises her often with her favorite coffee creamer, perfume, or something she mentioned she wanted. Jenn loves to cook and try new recipes, which Alex appreciates and enjoys. Alex always makes sure Jenn has gas in her car each week because she hates having to stop. Jenn makes sure Alex has a healthy lunch for work and that his favorite juices and sodas are always stocked in the fridge. We’re a team when it comes to housework and other chores. We make sure to have date nights a few times a month and alternate planning them. We take joy in the small things – sometimes that’s dancing in the kitchen while cleaning or sharing our day over a meal.
Our Hobbies

One of our goals as parents is to make sure our child(ren) have experiences learning about the world.

Jenn and Alex traveling.
We love road trips and are always looking for new places to explore. One of our goals as parents is to make sure our child(ren) have experiences learning about the world. We want to take family trips each year and experience new places together! We love nature and love taking hikes and exploring new trails. We both enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes. Sometimes they are a success and sometimes not! We have fun with it even when the kitchen becomes a mess! Jenn loves to bake and does so often for family and friends – she even makes her own candy! Alex loves soccer and plays regularly with a group of friends. Alex loves comic books and books in general and often collects them.
Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: Apartment

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents


Meet Jenn

Jenn is a natural caregiver. She is so nurturing in how she loves people. As her husband, I am often blown away by how much she gives. She is witty and can sneak a quote from Friends or any other show/movie into any conversation. She is protective and passionate when it comes to her loved ones. She can be sassy and quirky, and it makes me love her more. Jenn is usually the favorite amongst our nieces and nephews. She is smart, a great cook, and honest to a fault. She will tell you like it is but does so in a way that makes you want to be better. She is my biggest cheerleader and is always the one cheering on her friends and families in their endeavors.

Meet Alex

Alex is hands down one of the kindest humans I know. He is patient in all he does and rarely gets flustered. He stays positive in all situations and always has a smile to give me when I’m feeling down. When I get anxious or worried about something, he is always there for me to talk it out and helps bring peace to my mind. Alex loves his family fiercely and has always done whatever it takes to make sure everyone is ok. Alex is a hard worker and has a level of integrity I’ve always admired. I lovingly say that he has all the “dad jokes”, but they still make us laugh! He is not afraid to be goofy, or let his nieces paint his nails. He will dance with his nephews even as they laugh at him. Alex has always viewed us as a team and makes sure that he pitches in with chores around the house as well as plan special occasions/date nights for us. He is so easy going and becomes fast friends with anyone he meets. I am very proud to be his wife!

Our Family

We have an amazing family and have always felt loved and supported by them! We are a blended family of different cultures. We know we’re biased, but we think it’s beautiful. There’s several children in the family and our wish for this child is they will grow up with these children and develop relationships that will last forever. We enjoy our get togethers which always includes a lot of food, family games, and so much laughter. We enjoy being around each other and having a good time. We’ve cried together through hard times, cheered each other on in our successes, and been there for each other for everything in between. We’ve experienced loss together and though we’re not perfect, we are strong, we respect each other, and have healthy boundaries with one another. We are grateful for the support we have in our families.
