


Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 40

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age, 1 to 3 years of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 40

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Catholic

Work & Education

Education: Bachelor's Degree (2)

Profession: Non-Profit


Education: Master's Degree

Profession: Local Government

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: Illinois

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: 1 Dog

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age, 1 to 3 years of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins, Triplets or more

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.



Nice to meet you!
Hi there

We have so much joy and love to share and only wish the best for you on this journey.

Hi! It's so nice to meet you. We hope this profile provides you with a small glimpse into our lives and hopefully captures the memories we have made together and the love we have for each other. We recognize that this may be a difficult decision for you and no matter the path you choose, we respect and admire your strength and courage. If you choose to pursue an adoption plan, we are ready to welcome you and your child into our lives. We have so much joy and love to share and only wish the best for you on this journey. We would love to get to know you and learn more about your hopes for the future.

Hi! It's so nice to meet you. We hope this profile provides you with a small glimpse into our lives and hopefully captures the memories we have made together and the love we have for each other. We recognize that this may be a difficult decision for you and no matter the path you choose, we respect and admire your strength and courage. If you choose to pursue an adoption plan, we are ready to welcome you and your child into our lives. We have so much joy and love to share and only wish the best for you on this journey. We would love to get to know you and learn more about your hopes for the future.

Our Story

We encourage each other to pursue our passions in life and help each other reach our goals.

We were drawn to each other because we both listed the same book, Three Cups of Tea, in our profiles.
Our journey together began over a decade ago when we met online. We were drawn to each other because we both listed the same book, Three Cups of Tea, in our profiles. Jessica had recently read the book and Matthew had just met the author at an event. We wouldn't necessarily say that it's our favorite book, but it did help bring us together. We could have easily just passed each other by in that moment and are so grateful that we found each other in this way.

Since we met each other in our late twenties, we both had established careers. We lived a few hours apart from each other, so we continued to build our relationship through phone calls and spent time together on the weekends. This helped us form a solid foundation for communicating with each other and we cherished our time together even more. We enjoyed visiting with each other's families, traveling to historical sites and trying out new restaurants, especially if they had pizza! A few years later, we were married on an unseasonably warm December morning in the Missouri wine country surrounded by our family and friends.

Today our marriage is still as strong as ever. We love just being together, whether that's at home or exploring new places together. We encourage each other to pursue our passions in life and help each other reach our goals. We also took a leap of faith by moving to a new city to have a more secure and stable life for our own family's future. We are excited about our journey and making new memories in the years ahead!
Why We Are Adopting

Adoption is the best way for us to become parents.

Playing with Roscoe at home
We have always wanted to have children and Jessica shared early on in our relationship that she wanted to include adoption as a way to grow our family. We waited several years after we were married to start to grow our family and then we struggled for several years thereafter with infertility. After seeking guidance, we decided that adoption would be the best way for us to become parents. We are so excited to take on this new adventure together. We know that we have a lot of love to share and can't wait to share it with a sweet little one.
Our Promises

We would be honored and humbled to walk alongside you in this journey.

We hope this profile provides you with a small glimpse into our lives.
We would be honored and humbled to walk alongside you in this journey.

If you choose our family as part of your adoption plan, we promise that we will always provide a loving and stable home for your child.
We promise to read them bed times stories and make sure there are no scary monsters under their bed at night.
We promise lots of laughs, hugs and support through all life's ups and downs.
We promise to be their biggest fans by cheering them on at recitals, games, and competitions.
We promise to provide them with opportunities to explore their passions in life wherever those passions may lead.
We promise to provide your child with knowledge of their cultural and ethnic background and promise to make it a part of our daily lives through our choices in food, music, arts, and other cultural events.
We promise to have open and honest communication with you.
We promise to honor and respect you. You are such an important part of your child's life and we will always share with them how much you love them.
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Meet Matthew - by Jessica

Matthew brings much stability to our family along with an abundance of random knowledge - which comes in handy for trivia nights. He has a master's degree in public administration and has worked in local governments as a planning official for almost two decades. He loves to learn, especially about history, government, and religion. Although he is not athletically inclined, his favorite hobby is baseball. He loves the St. Louis Cardinals and his favorite player was Ozzie Smith. It's not an official summer unless we are eating nachos at a game! He is always up for a road trip and likes to collect t-shirts from every national park that we visit. Matthew's Favorites: - Movie: Ghostbusters - Place to Be: In the mountains - Color: Blue - Food: Supreme Pizza - Dessert: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - Season: Fall

Meet Jessica - by Matthew

Jessica has a huge heart and is always thinking of ways to bring kindness to others. She encourages us to try new things and pushes us to think beyond our comfort zones. One of her biggest goals was to return to school to study cultural anthropology and she earned her second bachelor's degree in anthropology a few years ago. She has worked in non-profits for more than a decade and is currently a non-profit fundraiser. She loves to read books on historical and cultural topics. She also has a slight addiction to cookbooks! She is starting to get a green thumb and would like to grow a variety of flowers just like her grandmothers had at their homes. Jessica's Favorites: - Movie: Hallmark Christmas Movies - Place to Be: My grandparents' farm - Color: Purple - Food: Strawberries - Dessert: Red velvet cake - Season: Fall

Our Home

We have a cozy ranch style home with 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, and a large fenced backyard within the suburbs of Chicago. We chose this home because of the quiet neighborhood and privacy that it provides. We appreciate the advantages of living in a major metropolitan area with access to numerous activities and the proximity to several parks and forest preserves. We are near the local schools, the community library, a kid friendly waterpark, and a children's museum. One of Jessica's favorite places in our home is our dining room. We have large window that looks out into our backyard. She likes to sit there and drink coffee on the weekends and look through her cookbooks to plan out some new meals each week. She also cherishes time gathered around the dinner table with her friends and family for get-togethers and holidays. Matthew's favorite place in our home is the living room because he likes to watch documentaries and baseball. The room is spacious with a high ceiling, lots of windows with ample light, and a brick fireplace that we hope to one day use. The room is eclectic in style with family photos, pictures of our favorite national parks, and our books. Together we enjoy being in our backyard playing with our dog. We have a fire pit and like to roast marshmallows throughout the year. We also enjoy playing Scrabble and other games together.

Roscoe Valentine

Roscoe, a labradoodle, became a part of our family over ten years ago. He has brought so much joy into our life and we love having him by our side. His name was Roscoe when we met him at the local animal shelter and we gave him the middle name Valentine as we adopted him in February. His favorite toy is his green ball. He loves to eat broccoli and sweet potatoes. He is always ready to take a car ride and his favorite place to visit each week is doggie daycare. Of course he loves to snuggle the best and we wouldn't have it any other way!

Our Hobbies and Travels

Although we may not look like your typical hikers, we love to go out for day hikes in the parks and forest preserves near our home. We have visited several national parks and our current favorite is Glacier National Park in Montana. The mountains were spectacular and the lakes were a pure turquois color. We had never seen anything like it before and want to return there soon. We also love to visit the centers at the national parks so we can have our national park passport book stamped. It's been quite an adventure to get our book stamped since we met. We both love history and anthropology. So, some of our favorite places to go together are to museums and historical sites. One of the first places we visited together was Cahokia Mounds and Gettysburg. For our honeymoon, we went to Savannah. We also like to continue to learn through documentaries and reading books. We have quite a collection of cultural studies, religious studies, historical and travel books. A great date for us is to go to the library or to the book store! We have a bucket list of several places that we want to travel to in the future. Jessica has a goal to visit every continent. She really wants to visit Machu Picchu in Peru and visit the Tuscany countryside in Italy. Matthew has a plan to visit every state (only 28 more to go!). He also would like to visit Norway, Germany, and Turkey.
