


Age: 38

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino, White

Religion: Christian


Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age, 1 to 3 years of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 38

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino, White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Catholic


Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Catholic

Work & Education

Education: BS Engineering

Profession: Engineer


Education: MS Accounting

Profession: Stay at Home Mom

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 20 to 25 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: 2 Dogs

Children At Home: Adopted children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age, 1 to 3 years of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins, Triplets or more

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.



Nice to meet you!
Hello there

All relationships take time and effort, and all are different. We are committed to putting in the work necessary for any relationship to develop.

Welcome, and thank you for considering an adoption plan. Your choices during this difficult time are beyond our comprehension, but we hope you find peace and happiness. Our goal is to provide a genuine view of our family that could be the first step toward a lifelong relationship.

Our two children, Troy and Hope, are the joy of our life, and they both joined our family through adoption. Though their situations were very different, in both cases, we were humbled by the careful intention and unwavering love from their birth parents. Your current situation is unique, and we will try to provide you strength as we learn your story. The relationships with both Troy and Hope's birth families have developed slowly and with care. Nothing makes us happier than when birth families reach out to us...

Welcome, and thank you for considering an adoption plan. Your choices during this difficult time are beyond our comprehension, but we hope you find peace and happiness. Our goal is to provide a genuine view of our family that could be the first step toward a lifelong relationship.

Our two children, Troy and Hope, are the joy of our life, and they both joined our family through adoption. Though their situations were very different, in both cases, we were humbled by the careful intention and unwavering love from their birth parents. Your current situation is unique, and we will try to provide you strength as we learn your story. The relationships with both Troy and Hope's birth families have developed slowly and with care. Nothing makes us happier than when birth families reach out to us for funny pictures or a phone call. All relationships take time and effort, and all are different. We are committed to putting in the work necessary for any relationship to develop.

We truly believe you will know if we are the right family. If our description gives you any sense of comfort, we would love to hear your adoption plan, vision for the future, and dreams for your child.

Our Story

We know from experience that we can get through anything together. We consider ourselves a team.

Joe and Casey
Joe's Version

Casey and I met in junior high when her family moved to town. I was quick to ask her out the first day, and she was quick to politely decline. I spent the next few years laying down my best school boy charm and succeeded just before our senior year in high school. We dated long distance through the first few years of college. Looking back, it wasn't easy, but we made it work. After college, we flew to Rome, Italy and got married with over 25 family members and friends. We settled into our careers and spent our free time traveling and working on our new house. Now, things are about the same - we love to travel, spend time with family and work around the house.

Casey's Version

When I was 14, my family moved to a new town. On my very first day of school, this cute but crazy boy (Joe) asked me out. I told him no, but I always thought he was brave and funny for doing that. During high school, we had a lot of classes together, and he always kept everyone laughing. Before our senior year, Joe went through a couple serious operations. When he was out of the hospital, he asked me out again. He told me that surgery made him realize you can't be afraid to go after what you want. Of course, I said yes that time. We have built a wonderful and happy life together. It hasn't always been easy. We went to separate colleges and took on challenging degrees. Joe drove over 10 hours most weekends during college to come see me. We waited almost seven years to get married, have lost loved ones, and both have had challenging careers. Becoming parents to Troy and Hope has brought the greatest happiness, and I would not want to share that awesome responsibility with anyone but Joe. We know from experience that we can get through anything together. We consider ourselves a team.
Our Why

As we talked about starting a family, adoption seemed the best choice for our future.

Our Family
We have always planned to build our family through adoption. There is a cancerous gene in Joe's family that can be passed on to biological children, so we decided to pursue adoption.

Growing up, adoption was also woven through family and friend relationships. As we talked about starting a family, adoption seemed the best choice for our future. Because of our choices, we try to be strong advocates in the community. We chose an ethical adoption agency, discuss our experiences with anyone that genuinely asks, and support a local birth mother group.
Our Promises

We promise to not only treasure your precious child, but also to respect and value your loss and grief through this process.

Thank you
In closing, we promise to hold you and your family in the highest regard, always. Though we will never know the emotions you are feeling, we acknowledge the courage and selflessness it has taken to get this far in the adoption process. We promise to raise children in our home to be polite and respectful, teach them to be independent and thoughtful thinkers, and to let them be kids who get dirty outside. Mostly, we will love them unconditionally, with everything we have.

When my (Joe's) mother passed away in 2018, I was naive to think my feelings would pass in time. I soon realized that I think of her every single day. I'm confident that I'll think about her daily for the rest of my life. They say time heals all wounds, but it doesn't. It leaves a scar to keep you from forgetting but hurts less over time. As time passes, it is easier to think of her and talk about her without getting sad. Though we may not fully comprehend the emotions you and your family are going through, I feel like the loss in adoption may be similar. We promise to not only treasure your precious child, but also to respect and value your loss and grief through this process.

Thank you.
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Meet Casey in Joe's Words

Casey can be described as very down to earth. She's great at being able to slow down and enjoy everything in the moment (something I struggle with). She's decisive and makes well thought out decisions. As a mother, Casey has an incredible way of talking through situations with the kids. She's routinely complemented about how patient she is as a mom. She has an incredibly close family that we see very consistently. She's always up for an adventure. Whether it's fishing, hiking or hitting the beach, she's always ready to go. Casey is our rock, she's consistent and always knows what to do. She's selfless and takes care of everyone before herself. After working as a CPA, she chose to put her family first and never looked back.

Meet Joe in Casey's Words

Joe is always the first person to help people in need, whether it's our loved ones or a complete stranger. We had been dating only a couple months when my sister's car broke down, and she called him for a rescue. I didn't even find out about this rescue for years afterward; it is such a natural part of Joe to help anyone. It's also the small, everyday things. He makes coffee each morning and even better, lets me sleep in on the weekends. On a regular basis, Joe will have Troy and Hope up and out to a car show or working in the yard on Saturdays so I can rest. No matter what happens, I know Joe will be there for our family. When I asked him to build a combined home with my parents, he did not hesitate. It cannot be easy, but Joe takes care of us all. Joseph is also very friendly and out-going. He loves to enjoy life, from cars, working outside, traveling with friends and family, and who knows what hobby he will pick up next. He is definitely happiest when he has a project to keep him busy. I think this is why he is so successful at both work and in relationships: he just keeps working until he succeeds. He makes new friends all the time, and he keeps them; in 2019, we went on a two-week cross-country trip with his friend from kindergarten. Joseph is truly a good person and the best possible father. He is Troy and Hope's favorite person and best buddy. I have loved him for almost twenty years, and I am so excited about our future together.

Meet Troy

Troy is a very active and funny six-year-old. He loves being outside playing with his metal Tonka trucks more than anything (especially if there is mud). Troy and Joe collect Hot Wheels, work outside on our tractor, and love to fish together. Casey has passed on her love of reading, and we read books every night before bed. After a summer zoo camp, he developed a passion for snakes and bugs. He spends a lot of time hunting our property for interesting wildlife. Troy started kindergarten in the fall which he was a little nervous about. He loves it, though, because he makes friends everywhere. When his cousins come over to swim or spend the night, he is the happiest kid.

Meet Hope

Hope is a wonderful mix of mud-covered baby following her big brother into everything and precious little girl who loves her dresses and bows. She makes us laugh every day even as we chase her around the house. Hope loves exploring everything. As the seventh of eight grandchildren, Hope is convinced she is already a big kid. Because we have a multi-generational home with Casey's parents, there are almost always cousins around to play with.

Our Home

Seven years ago, we fell in love with a small neighborhood just south of our favorite city in Texas. It has hills, trees, and is very close to the lake. We have almost four acres which gives Troy and Hope room to play and Joe to have a workshop. We share a home with Casey's parents. There are doors we can close between our sides of the house, but usually the house is open, and both kids run constantly between our home and Nana and Grandad's home.

Our Pets

We have two dogs, Daphne and Snowy Mountain. Daphne is a twelve-year-old Yorkie/mini- Schnauzer. She loves to bark and nap all day. Snowy Mountain was rescued from a local shelter and came home in early 2021. Troy named her because she is his dog, and they are best friends. She loves all children and she especially loves riding along to take Troy to school.
