


Age: 34

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino, White

Religion: Christian


Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All, African American (Full), African American (Half), Caucasian (Full), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Full), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Full), Asian (Half), American Indian (Full), American Indian (Half), Pacific Islander (Full), Pacific Islander (Half)

Special Needs: Open to discussion, Mild or medically correctable, Alcohol exposed, Smoking exposed, Drug exposed, Emotional/mental disorders in family, Emotional/mental disorder in child, Deafness

Basic Info

Age: 34

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino, White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Catholic


Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Episcopal

Work & Education

Education: 2 Masters Degrees

Profession: Medical Director - Nurse Practioner


Education: Bachelors Degree

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: New Jersey

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Country

Parent Years Together: 1 to 5 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: 1 dog, 2 cats, chickens

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins

Race/Ethnicity: All, African American (Full), African American (Half), Caucasian (Full), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Full), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Full), Asian (Half), American Indian (Full), American Indian (Half), Pacific Islander (Full), Pacific Islander (Half)

Special Needs: Open to discussion, Mild or medically correctable, Alcohol exposed, Smoking exposed, Drug exposed, Emotional/mental disorders in family, Emotional/mental disorder in child, Deafness

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Our adventures at home
Our first small chicken coop - built and installed!
Our first small chicken coop - built and installed!
Oliver our most adorable dog walking down the driveway!
Oliver our most adorable dog walking down the driveway!
Our first eggs from the chickens!
Our first eggs from the chickens!
Ned holding a baby chick! The chicken adventure begins...
Ned holding a baby chick! The chicken adventure begins...
Brand new baby chicks
Brand new baby chicks
Big Chicken coop! built by Kathleen (sign on coop is a present from Kathleen's brother)
Big Chicken coop! built by Kathleen (sign on coop is a present from Ka...
How our garden area started! (it looked like a grave lol)
How our garden area started! (it looked like a grave lol)
How the garden turned out!
How the garden turned out!
Ned with our first watermelon
Ned with our first watermelon
Tomato feast
Tomato feast
Chickens vs Dog size comparison
Chickens vs Dog size comparison
Ella (our niece) feeding chickens
Ella (our niece) feeding chickens
packaging food and meals at MANNA with coworkers
packaging food and meals at MANNA with coworkers


Welcome Video
We would like to thank you for looking at our profile! This is one of our favorite places, long beach island NJ. We love to spend most of the summer on the beach!
Ella leaving a message
Our family loves to call each other on video chats, at least once per week. This is a video message that Ella (our niece) left when Aunt Kathleen wasn't home to answer the call!
Starting the backyard garden
Spring 2022 TikTok of our backyard garden
Collecting eggs
short video of Ned and Kathleen collecting eggs
Chicken laying eggs
Daily check on the eggs!


Walking in Philly along the Delaware River

We hope to one day walk through this journey with you and provide additional support, love and strength.

Our names are Christopher (Ned) and Kathleen. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We hope that this will give you a little insight into our lives and who we are as a family.

We are in awe of your strength and resilience for considering adoption. While many people view adoption as a “last option”, it can and should be viewed as the ultimate act of selflessness. We understand that this is a very difficult decision, should you choose adoption.
We can’t comprehend the emotions you may be going through. It is a strong person with a lot of love who considers adoption for their child. We hope to one day walk through this journey with you and provide additional support, love and strength. We hope to meet and talk about your dreams and hopes for your child. Please know that we w...

Our names are Christopher (Ned) and Kathleen. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We hope that this will give you a little insight into our lives and who we are as a family.

We are in awe of your strength and resilience for considering adoption. While many people view adoption as a “last option”, it can and should be viewed as the ultimate act of selflessness. We understand that this is a very difficult decision, should you choose adoption.
We can’t comprehend the emotions you may be going through. It is a strong person with a lot of love who considers adoption for their child. We hope to one day walk through this journey with you and provide additional support, love and strength. We hope to meet and talk about your dreams and hopes for your child. Please know that we will always be supportive of the unique relationship that you will have with your child and hope to encourage that special bond.

Why we want to adopt

We love that a future child will be able to share this form of lineage with Ned and our family.

Our chicken coop!
Ned and his birth mother were both adopted from Edna Gladney. We love that a future child will be able to share this form of lineage with Ned and our family. We have both expressed interest in adoption since the early days of our relationship. Ned was vocally passionate about the topic almost immediately which, he was relieved to find Kathleen was equally as enthusiastic about. We know there will be unique challenges with raising a child in an open adoption. We’re excited to face these challenges with you and are amenable to the amount of contact and openness you’d like to have.
We have such great immediate and extended families who are supportive of us and our adoption journey. All our nieces and nephews are so excited to have a new cousin to play and grow up with. We both feel very fulfilled in our lives but agree that there is something missing. We know that adding a child will be the cherry on top of an otherwise fantastic and fortunate life.
Kathleen & Family

I have so many great memories of spending time with my family.

Kathleen's Family celebrating her parents' wedding anniversary
I am originally from Houston, Tx and I still have lots of family in Texas. I have 2 brothers and 2 fabulous sisters-in-law, who are THE BEST. I also have a niece who loves to visit our chickens and play at the beach.
I studied nursing in college and I love being a nurse! Helping people and directly providing hands-on care has been a humbling and challenging experience. I started out working in the emergency room at the beginning of my career so I am a bit of a thrill seeker. However, I decided I wanted to work in Primary care. Now, as a Nurse Practitioner I can use my skills and knowledge to keep my patients healthy and happy.

My mom’s side of the family is Mexican and I have so many fond memories of sitting in a circle with all my cousins, saying the rosary with my grandmother. We would say it every time my family would go visit. They lived about 2 hours away in Corpus Christi Tx. We also always made buñuelos for New Years Eve. They were lots of work but sooo delicious!
My father and his family are from New York and I distinctly remember growing up and navigating the juxtaposition of both cultures on each side of my family. I have so many great memories of spending time with my family. However, one of my favorite memories is our annual Christmas Eve party. We would have family friends over and celebrate with a big meal and lots of games for the kids. I hope to instill similar traditions and love for activities in my children and give them great memories for their future.
My family is great. My parents live in Texas and they love to sail. I love that they’ve found a hobby that they can do together and with their individual friends. They love to travel in their camper and spend time in national parks. My brother’s live in Atlanta and Raleigh, so we all take turns hosting holidays and traveling to each other’s houses. My brother Peter and I love crossfit and working out. He and I are very close in age and grew up competing against each other. He is an all star athlete but he constantly challenges me to push myself. Alec is my oldest brother and he is such a calm, relaxed soul. He and Ned constantly bond over video games. I also admire his dedication to baking bread and he’s a great instructor when I have questions about baking!

Ned & Family

I’ve always felt extremely blessed for all that has been provided to me.

Ned with his brother, Evan
I was adopted from Edna Gladney in 1984 in a closed adoption so, technically, I’m from Fort Worth, TX but I was raised in the Northeast between New Jersey and New York. Although my adoption was closed, my parents were always very open about it and after many years of searching, my biological mother reached out to me, recently. So while we haven’t had a relationship for a very long time, I am in correspondence with my bio-mom on a regular basis. I could go on and on about my adoption and the process. I’m very open about it.

I truly enjoy giving back to others and volunteering provides that outlet for me. I volunteer with the homeless at a men’s shelter helping with meals and whatever needs to be done that day. I’m also a court appointed advocate for an organization called CASA serving adolescents in transitional home and foster care situations.

My older brother was also adopted from Edna Gladney and while we’ve had different experiences with how we’ve processed being adopted, we would both agree that our family has always been as loving, caring and supportive as any ‘traditional, bio-family’. Kathleen and I hope to provide the same sense of family that I’ve always felt with my parents, brother, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. I’ve always felt extremely blessed for all that has been provided to me. The first thing I am always most thankful for is a loving family that would do anything for me.
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Ned and I love to hike and explore! We lived in Seattle for a short time and we love walking through a forest and just being outside.
We love our dog Oliver. He has one eye and is deaf. We have had him for about 6 years and we LOVE taking him for walks on the beach. The beach is about 1.5 hours away and we go for weekend trips throughout the summer.


Edward Moy (Friends)

Ned (Christopher) and Kathleen are amazing people with giant hearts and generous souls. Down to earth, these two are humble and in-touch with the ground beneath their feet. I whole-heartedly believe they would make excellent parents.

Edward Moy Endorsed Reliable, Outdoorsy, Friendly, Warm-hearted, Generous, Truthful, Humble

Favorite Image



Ned and I recently took a trip to NYC to visit his family and share Thanksgiving with them! It was such an easy and pleasant trip. We brought Oliver (our dog) with us and he loves all the city smells. Thanksgiving morning we walked around and enjoyed the great weather. I cooked some yummy rolls and an apple pie. It was so nice to be able to see all Ned's aunts and uncles too. Ned's dad carved the turkey. One of our favorite cousins- Delaney was there because she just moved into an apartment in Brooklyn. We all hung out and watched the Dallas Cowboys play (and win!). It was such a beautiful, fun, family filled day!

Volunteering at Manna

We went to Volunteer Sunday at Manna, an organization that provides medically assisted food as treatment for people with certain health disparities like cancer or kidney disease). We went with Kathleen's co-workers and had a blast!
