


Age: 36

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 32

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: All ages

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 36

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


Age: 32

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Work & Education

Education: Doctorate

Profession: Anesthesiologist


Education: Bachelors

Profession: stay at home mom

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: California

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 10 to 15 years

Parent Residency: House

Children At Home: Biological children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: All ages

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: All

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Badge Icon

Adoption Service Provider

HopeFour Kids



Disney Family!
Here's a little sneak at our lives as a Disney Family. It's in our blood and something that we will continue to enjoy with our children for years to come! Hopefully we get to give these memories to another little kiddo someday soon :)


the clan
A bit about us

check out our full profile by clicking on the link below

Hi! We won’t go into too much detail (click the link below if you’d like to read our more in depth profile), but we’d like to share a little bit about our family! Mike was born and raised in Southern Utah, he loves baseball (fav team is the Atlanta Braves), likes to golf, loves to travel, and is an Anesthesiologist. He works hard to provide a very comfortable life for our family, and he is so so loved! He’s very silly and funny, and our kids are taking after him (he loves their developing sense of humor). If you know Mike, you love him! I (Ashley) was born and raised in Southern California. Two of my most favorite things in the world are Disneyland and the beach, and those two things are even better now that we have kids to share them with. I always wanted to be a high school Language Arts...

Hi! We won’t go into too much detail (click the link below if you’d like to read our more in depth profile), but we’d like to share a little bit about our family! Mike was born and raised in Southern Utah, he loves baseball (fav team is the Atlanta Braves), likes to golf, loves to travel, and is an Anesthesiologist. He works hard to provide a very comfortable life for our family, and he is so so loved! He’s very silly and funny, and our kids are taking after him (he loves their developing sense of humor). If you know Mike, you love him! I (Ashley) was born and raised in Southern California. Two of my most favorite things in the world are Disneyland and the beach, and those two things are even better now that we have kids to share them with. I always wanted to be a high school Language Arts teacher, but after having kids and with age, I’ve developed a love for all things interior design and I’m currently working on certification classes which will help me pursue that in the future. I love being a stay at home mom and having the ability to be a part of our growing kids lives every single day. I’m so grateful for everything that I have in my life, and I try really hard to instill that in our family.

Mike and I met when we were both working as summer camp counselors one year. We hit it off fairly quickly, got married about a year later, and spent most of our first 10 years of marriage in Mike’s training for medicine. We’ve kind of bounced around from place to place and have lived in Utah, Arizona, Kansas, and California. We love that we are done with training and finally able to be settled around the corner from my parents in my hometown.

We have 3 beautiful biological children who are so unique and amazing in their own ways. They fill a joy in our hearts that’s quite hard to describe with words.

Choosing adoption

we know that there is an expectant mama out there who is looking for the things our family can give to her baby

they're so excited and ready
We recognize that our reasons for adoption may not be the typical reasons some people choose this path for growing a family. We are so blessed to have our 3 biological kiddos, and we thank the Lord every day for them. But there is something tugging on our hearts that keeps bringing us back to adoption. We don't know how, we don't know when, and we don't know who. But we do know why. We know our family is supposed to be completed through adoption. We know that we have so many blessings to share and a beautiful life to offer a sweet baby. We've talked about our future adoption with our kids openly and often, and goodness are they ready NOW ha! We are confident in God's timing and we know that there is an expectant mama out there who is looking for the things our family can give to her baby. We might not be what every mama is looking for, but we know you are out there somewhere, and we will be patiently waiting for our paths to cross.
Our Letter to You

This is your baby, and you get to chose where the future goes for you both

Thank you for taking your time to learn a little about our family!
First off, if you have some time and would like to learn more about our story, our life, our families, our parenting style, and to read our longer letter to you, please check out our full profile over at

A dear friend of mine placed her baby for adoption when she was 19 years old. I (Ashley) watched her go through the pregnancy, watched her weigh lots of options, watched her fall in love with her baby, and watched as she made the bittersweet decision to choose adoption. I wasn’t her and I can’t say I know what she felt. But as an outsider, and as a friend who’s heard her share her story in the years since, she’s taught me a lot about the tenderness of adoption stories. I hope I can convey to you the love and respect I have for birth moms.

Adoption is not about us and our family. While this profile is about us and giving you a glimpse into who we are and the life we live, this adoption is not about us. Ultimately, it’s about the baby. But right now? Right now it’s all about you. Your situation is delicate and we hope as you consider all of the options you have in front of you, that you first and foremost take care of yourself. Take your time, don’t rush yourself to make a decision, and don’t let others rush you, either. This is your baby, and you get to chose where the future goes for you both. Whether or not you believe it right now, you are important. You’re quite literally EVERYTHING to your baby growing inside your belly. We hope you never doubt that you’re important and that you matter.

If by some chance, you decide adoption is the right choice for you, and then by some miracle our lives are connected through that adoption, we want you to know a few things. We will always honor and respect your role as a birth mom. We hope to have a healthy open relationship, however that may look. If you allow, we hope to teach this child about you, to help this child grow a love for you. We plan to foster an environment in which there will never be any doubt of your unconditional love for your baby. This child will always and forever be blessed to have two moms.

We are not blind to the difficulties and pains of adoption, but we hope one day when you look back at your life, you can see there was beauty in it, too. We hope and pray you’re able to find peace with whatever road you decide to take. If our paths don’t cross, and it’s ok if they don’t, always know we are praying for all of the expectant mothers out there, you included.
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: California

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 10 to 15 years

Parent Residency: House

Children At Home: Biological children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents


Jake Porter (Friend and Pediatrician )

Being the Christensen’s pediatrician is one of the highlights of my practice. Not only do I get to see their family in the office, but also on the basketball court as their daughter’s coach, at church and out to dinner as couples. I love the Christensen family — we've known each other for years. Mike and Ashley are hard-working dedicated people and parents. Mike is an outstanding doctor — he was part of my wife’s delivery team during her c-section. With the demands of his work, it can be easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle, but his family is his priority and I love that about him. Ashley is one of the best moms out there. She is attentive, kind, playful and selfless. As their pediatrician I have seen them work to make their kids' overall health and well-being a top priority. Their kids are lucky to have such great parents! I love their three kids Brinley, Leila, and Tanner. These are three fun, sweet kids that my own three kids love to play with. Whether it is playing tennis, basketball, swimming or making pizza, we always have a party with them. With parents as amazing as Mike and Ashley and three kids as welcoming as Brinley, Leila and Tanner, I can only imagine what joy they will experience adding another member to their family!

Favorite Image
Favorite Image

Jake Porter

Friend and Pediatrician

Being the Christensen’s pediatrician is one of the highlights of my practice. Not only do I get to see their family in the office, but also on the basketball court as their daughter’s coach, at church and out to dinner as couples. I love the Christensen family — we've known each other for years. Mike and Ashley are hard-working dedicated people and parents. Mike is an outstanding doctor — he was part of my wife’s delivery team during her c-section. With the demands of his work, it can be easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle, but his family is his priority and I love that about him. Ashley is one of the best moms out there. She is attentive, kind, playful and selfless. As their pediatrician I have seen them work to make their kids' overall health and well-being a top priority. Their kids are lucky to have such great parents! I love their three kids Brinley, Leila, and Tanner. These are three fun, sweet kids that my own three kids love to play with. Whether it is playing tennis, basketball, swimming or making pizza, we always have a party with them. With parents as amazing as Mike and Ashley and three kids as welcoming as Brinley, Leila and Tanner, I can only imagine what joy they will experience adding another member to their family!

Favorite Image

Angeline Day


I met Mike and Ashely when my husband and Mike were attending medical school. While our husbands studied long and hard together Ashley and I quickly became very close friends. Though our paths parted a few years later as we went off to continue training in different states, our friendship has remained strong. Ashely and Mike are the kind of friends you have for life. They are loyal, loving and their generosity and kindness is limitless. They would do anything to help the ones they love. My husband and I have been very blessed to have them in our lives. Mike is an incredibly compassionate and dedicated physician who cares deeply for his patients. He is a strong provider for his family and ensures they know that they are his top priority. He is fun loving, hilarious, and a fantastic father and husband. He loves his family more than anything and it shows. Ashley is an incredible mother to her children and the most supportive wife to Mike. She is gentle, kind, patient and so much fun to be around. When you have a conversation with Ashley you know that she is truly listening. She shows that she cares for you in her words and actions. She loves her family fiercely and serves them selflessly. She leads and directs her children in a way that is strong but loving. While Mike and Ashley know how to work hard, they also know how to play hard. They prioritize quality family time by participating in fun activities they all enjoy. When we are with the Christensen family we always have a good time. Their home is full of laughter and joy. Mike and Ashley are both securely grounded in their Faith. They put God first in their lives and are Christlike examples to all around them. I know that any child will be blessed to be placed in their beautiful family and would receive endless love and support.

Favorite Image

Britney Wardle


I have been fortunate to know and love the Christensen family for many years. Ashley has been one of my best friends for over 25 years. When I heard about their intentions to adopt a child to add to their family, my heart grew tender. The Christensen’s are an incredible family led by a “gentle giant” of a father and a strong, supportive and kind mother. Mike and Ashley are a pillar of light in their community and have such a wonderful marriage. They love and value one another and it’s apparent to anyone that is around them. I’ve personally witnessed how they treat each other and it translates directly into how they treat their children. Their children are being raised by compassionate, trustworthy and patient parents who provide a loving and secure home for them. They are such confident, kind and happy kids and I attribute that directly to the way their parents have raised them and how they make them feel. I would GREATLY recommend The Christensen family as adoptive parents of your child. Any child coming into their home would certainly feel loved, included and provided for.

Favorite Image

Skyler Ence


I have known Mike since we were in Elementary school. For all of high school Mike and I spent as much time as we could together with our other friends. Mike has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know. Always looking out for others and looking to serve. He met and married Ashley and Ashley quickly became a very dear friend of ours as well. Ashley is sweet, humble and very kind to all those who she meets. Their home is always a place I feel welcome and comfortable. They are terrific parents to their existing 3 children and my kids love being around them as they treat them as if they were their own. I couldn't recommend anyone any more than I do Mike and Ashley for adopted parents. I have now doubt they would be a huge blessing in some Childs life.
