


Age: 36

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 37

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: All ages

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All, African American (Full), African American (Half), Caucasian (Full), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Full), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Full), Asian (Half), American Indian (Full), American Indian (Half), Pacific Islander (Full), Pacific Islander (Half)

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 36

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational


Age: 37

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational

Work & Education

Education: Masters

Profession: Manager


Education: Bachelor's

Profession: Manager


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 15 to 20 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: 1 dog

Children At Home: Biological children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: All ages

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins, Triplets or more

Race/Ethnicity: All, African American (Full), African American (Half), Caucasian (Full), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Full), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Full), Asian (Half), American Indian (Full), American Indian (Half), Pacific Islander (Full), Pacific Islander (Half)

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.



Sledding in White Sands National Park
We recently went to White Sands National Park in New Mexico! We got to sled on the sand! Fun, and hot! :)


Alex, Sally, and Pine

We want our baby to know that their birth mom loves them so much that she lovingly carried them and selflessly made a plan for their good.

We want to start off by saying, you are so brave and you are loved. We know life is hard, and the circumstances you find yourself in might be very difficult. We know you love your sweet baby so much and you want to make a good plan for their future. We are so proud of you. We want you to know a little bit about our heart for you. We have several friends and family members who were not supported when they faced unplanned pregnancies. Their families, friends and churches should have been there for them in one of the most challenging times they ever faced. But they weren’t. And that makes us so sad.
We are here for you. We are praying for you. We are praying for your baby. And if you decide we are the right family to love your baby, we will always honor you in our home. There is no judgment...

We want to start off by saying, you are so brave and you are loved. We know life is hard, and the circumstances you find yourself in might be very difficult. We know you love your sweet baby so much and you want to make a good plan for their future. We are so proud of you. We want you to know a little bit about our heart for you. We have several friends and family members who were not supported when they faced unplanned pregnancies. Their families, friends and churches should have been there for them in one of the most challenging times they ever faced. But they weren’t. And that makes us so sad.
We are here for you. We are praying for you. We are praying for your baby. And if you decide we are the right family to love your baby, we will always honor you in our home. There is no judgment or condemnation. We are amazed at your sacrifice and bravery—to put your baby first. We want our baby to know that their birth mom loves them so much that she lovingly carried them and selflessly made a plan for their good. THANK YOU for taking the time to consider us. It’s so strange to try to get to know someone through a book, but we tried our best to give you a real look into our lives.
So here goes!
We’re Sally, Alex, and Pine, and this is our story.

Why Adoption

We’ve just sort of always known adoption would be part of our story. That it was what God had planned for us.

Alex, Sally, and Pine at the Eiffel Tower
When people ask us why we have chosen adoption, it can be a little difficult to answer. We’ve just sort of always known adoption would be part of our story. That it was what God had planned for us. We waited eight years after getting married to try for a baby. And in fact, we thought about not trying at all, and just moving straight to adoption. But over time, we felt like God opened our hearts to having a biological child, so we decided to start there. After losing our first pregnancy, we found out we were expecting our son, Pine. We were thrilled when he was born, and he is such a great joy in our lives. But as we started thinking about having another baby, we just knew it was time to adopt. Pine has always known that our next child would likely be adopted, because that’s the way we have always talked about expanding our family. We have never felt that our children needed to be biological. We know we will love like crazy any children God gives us, and we are so excited to adopt! We can’t wait to have another kid to love and a brother or sister for Pine. We also have a deep desire to support birth mothers like you, who are in the challenging situation of an unplanned pregnancy. As followers of Jesus, we want to show His love, care, grace and acceptance. You are choosing selfless love—putting your baby’s needs before your own. That is amazing.
We’re ready to grow our family as soon as we find our match! And we look forward to the new life we will have as a family, and the new relationship we will have with you as well.
Our Story

There have been many ups and downs, but our love and support for each other has only grown deeper.

Alex and Sally
We met each other while we were both college cheerleaders. Sally had gone to college in Indiana because her boyfriend at the time played football for Notre Dame. So she went to a nearby smaller college to be close to him. Not long after Sally, Alex joined the cheerleading team, too. He had been a swimmer in high school and some of the girls recruited him because he looked strong. :) That fall, our coaches paired us up as cheerleading stunt partners (for more info, see the Netflix docu-drama, Cheer :P ). During that semester, we spent a lot of time together at practice, games and workouts, and slowly became great friends. After some bumps along the way, Sally broke up with her boyfriend, and shortly after we started dating. We got married about a year and a half later, and have spent that last 15 years growing together (yes, we’re kind of old). These years haven’t always been easy. There have been many ups and downs, but our love and support for each other has only grown deeper. One thing we’ve noticed is that when one of us is having a hard time, the other stays strong and helps pick up the slack. God has shown us so much mercy and grace, and we try to extend that mercy and grace to each other.
We have a lot of fun with each other and are still best friends. We love to go to coffee shops and just talk, we love to ride bikes with each other after we drop our son, Pine, off at school and we love to travel together. We’re each other’s people, and we’re in this for the long haul. :)
Our Hobbies

We just love learning about new things, so we’re always up to something.

Alex, Sally, and Pine canoeing.
We might have too many hobbies. We just love learning about new things, so we’re always up to something.
As a family, we love to travel, spend time in nature and learn about other cultures. We thought we might travel less after having kids, but we’ve actually traveled more! We’ve taken Pine to Hawaii, Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Iceland, Spain, Portugal, and France. Alex and I have additionally traveled to South Africa, India, Ireland, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, and Israel. We love to travel with our close friends and usually spend a lot of time in nature wherever we go. Hiking and canoeing are two of our favorite ways to relax!
We love learning languages and are currently working on Spanish as a family. Alex especially loves learning languages and speaks a bit of Chinese and Japanese as well! Alex enjoys playing computer and video games, including minecraft with Pine. He loves reading and playing board games (we play a lot of board games as a family!). Sally loves cooking and baking (she even won a State Fair cookie contest!), eating on patios, spending time with friends and drinking lots of cappuccinos and Topo Chico. Sally likes all kinds of food, but chocolate croissants, sushi, and tacos top her list.
We also love hanging out with our friends from church. Every week, we host a group of people from our church in our home. We usually have a brief Bible study, share prayer requests and then cook and eat a meal together. This group has been such a joy to get to know. Many of us have been in the same group for more than ten years, so we know each other very well. They have supported us through good times and hard times, and we couldn’t be more thankful for them.
Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 15 to 20 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: 1 dog

Children At Home: Biological children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents


Adam Griffin (Pastor)

Alex and Sally are two wonderfully committed parents and they are truly devoted to each other and to their God. I would LOVE to see their family grow through adoption. Sally and Alex are fun and caring and it would be hard to find a more loving home.

Adam Griffin Endorsed Authentic, Fun, Outdoorsy, Hard-working, Loving, Creative, Sense of Humor, Joyful, warm, welcoming, Adventurous

Favorite Image
Favorite Image

Adam Griffin


Alex and Sally are two wonderfully committed parents and they are truly devoted to each other and to their God. I would LOVE to see their family grow through adoption. Sally and Alex are fun and caring and it would be hard to find a more loving home.

Adam Griffin Endorsed Authentic, Fun, Outdoorsy, Hard-working, Loving, Creative, Sense of Humor, Joyful, warm, welcoming, Adventurous

Favorite Image


Close friend of 10 years

Sally and Alex are essentially family. We trust our kids with them fully, and do life with them on a sometimes daily basis. They've been co-leaders with us of a small group for our church for almost nine years, and we've shared everything life has to bring--joys and struggles and grief--with each other. Life is meant to be lived in community, to be fully know and fully loved, even with our faults. Sally and Alex do this for us, and they are "our people." We can't wait to meet and love the child or children God blesses them with through adoption.

Jessica Endorsed Authentic, Fun, Outdoorsy, Hard-working, Loving, Creative, Sense of Humor, welcoming, Adventurous


Meet Sally

Writing about yourself is weird, let me just say that. :D Anyway, I am a direct communicator, and I always want to be genuine, honest and authentic. I like my friends to be that way, too. Hosting friends and creating a fun and relaxing environment is one of my favorite things to do. I’m pretty social, but I really like to have a small close group of friends. I am so lucky to have found a few best friends who have stuck with me through thick and thin. While I love to dress up (I am very into French style, well French everything), I’m really a tomboy at heart. I grew up in a neighborhood with a whole bunch of boys who were my age, so we played army, ninja turtles and soccer. I was even Batman for halloween one year (my parents tried to get me to be Batgirl, but I wasn’t having it). I love playing sports and being outside. And I definitely have a competitive streak and work hard at everything I do. I worked for 10 years in marketing at a financial company as a senior manager, and now I am starting my own branding consulting business. I work part time, so I can spend more time with Pine. I love being able to have that time to connect with him, while still being able to pursue a career. It is a huge blessing to know I will have that time with our next baby, too!

Meet Alex

Hey, nice to meet you! I like to spend my time solving hard problems, learning and teaching. At work that looks like computer programming to solve some pretty tough problems. But raising my son has been the best experience of my life. I’ve had to learn so much, and there is so much to teach him. There is so much that I want to do to help Pine have the best childhood he possibly can, and grow into a strong, wise young man. I’m excited to have more children to raise. It is so very rewarding to watch them grow up and turn into amazing people. Really tough, but amazing! You are doing an amazing thing for your child, and we’d love to be part of that story. On a less serious note, I’m interested in sci-fi and fantasy. I’ve been reading through the top 100 sci-fi books and I only have 10 left to go. I think the Lord of the Rings is an amazing series of books (and a pretty good set of movies, too). Before covid hit I was learning blacksmithing from a local smith. Maybe someday I’ll have a forge of my own in the backyard. I’m learning classical guitar and, after a couple years, am no longer completely awful. Some of the songs are even recognizable now. :)

Meet Pine

Our son, Pine, is creative and funny and loves school. He is a big talker and always has many thoughts and interesting opinions to share. He goes to a small Christian school near our house and is enjoying making new friends, choir, and recess. He played on a soccer team with his classmates this year and loves playing at the playground, riding his bike, making forts in the woods, and building with Legos or in Minecraft with Alex. He also loves to travel—his favorite places are Wyoming and France. Pine is really looking forward to having a brother or sister. We have always talked about adoption being a part of our family, so when he started asking for a sibling over the past couple of years, he has always said, “You need to adopt a baby! I want a brother or sister to play with!” :) Adoption has always been a part of his worldview, and he has many friends from our church and his school who are adopted or have adopted siblings so it just seems like a normal next step to him. Pine has two younger cousins, and our best friends have a little boy, and he is very good with them. He really likes teaching them things and helping take care of them. We know he will be a great big brother, and we can’t wait to see Pine and our new baby grow into great friends.

Meet Enoch

Oh, our sweet, old dog, Enoch! We adopted him from a boston terrier rescue 12 years ago. He made quite the impression on us with his big personality and endless energy. He is an old man who is now blind in one eye, but that hasn’t changed his energy level or his love of food. About 5:00 p.m. every day, he starts letting us know it’s dinner time by huffing around by his bowl and trying to corral us to the food bin. He loves to go on our family walks and play in the backyard with Pine. Enoch has been a good doggy big brother to Pine, and shown him how to welcome a new baby with open paws (err..arms)!
