


Age: 31

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 32

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: African American (Full), African American (Half), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Half)

Basic Info

Age: 31

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 32

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Work & Education

Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Profession: NICU Nurse


Education: Bachelor of Science

Profession: Suppy Chain and Logistics

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 10 to 15 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: 2 dogs Ellie and Gaston

Children At Home: Adopted children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins, Sibling groups

Race/Ethnicity: African American (Full), African American (Half), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Half)

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.



Hi, we're Bryson & Sara.
Our Story

We've learned life is tough and full of ups and downs, but it's so much better when you have your best friend by your side.

We were both born and raised in Texas. We have known each other since we were 14, and we have been together for 13 years! We met in high school through church and quickly became good friends.

In 2009, we started dating right as Bryson joined the Air Force. Our relationship was mostly long distance, but we made it work! Three years later, we got married and moved to North Carolina where Bryson was stationed. We enjoyed living there and being able to travel and being on our own helped us build a strong foundation for our marriage. Although we loved North Carolina, after 6 years of service, we decided it was best for our family to separate from the military so we could move back home to Texas, start a family, and Bryson could finish his degree.

Being married has been so much fun! We ha...

We were both born and raised in Texas. We have known each other since we were 14, and we have been together for 13 years! We met in high school through church and quickly became good friends.

In 2009, we started dating right as Bryson joined the Air Force. Our relationship was mostly long distance, but we made it work! Three years later, we got married and moved to North Carolina where Bryson was stationed. We enjoyed living there and being able to travel and being on our own helped us build a strong foundation for our marriage. Although we loved North Carolina, after 6 years of service, we decided it was best for our family to separate from the military so we could move back home to Texas, start a family, and Bryson could finish his degree.

Being married has been so much fun! We have traveled, been able to purchase our first home, raise our two crazy pups, and become first time parents! We've learned life is tough and full of ups and downs, but it's so much better when you have your best friend by your side.

About Sara (according to Bryson)

She is always smiling and can make me laugh even on my hardest days.

Sara & Micah at the zoo
Sara is my best friend! She is kindhearted and compassionate towards those around her and it never ceases to amaze me how far she will go to help someone else in need. It takes a special kind of person to take care of babies in the NICU, and I admire her for staying strong in the difficult situations she faces. God has definitely called her to be a nurse because she always takes the best care of Micah and I when we aren't feeling well.

Her ability to set and achieve goals has always encouraged me to be more driven and reminds me to keep pursuing what I want to do. She is always smiling and can make me laugh even on my hardest days. She has a heart for the Lord, which encourages me in my own walk with God. She was made to be a mom! She and Micah have such a sweet relationship and she is incredibly patient with him. She is always engaged with him and listening to his needs. They love to play hide and seek together and run around the house chasing one another.
About Bryson (according to Sara)

He's excited to teach our kids how to ride a bike, introduce them to video games, and see what kind of sports they might like!

Bryson and Micah riding the boat
How did I get so blessed to be married to such a sweet man?! Bryson is hands down not only the best husband, but the best human being I know. He is very thoughtful and selfless. He is empathetic towards those around him and he goes out of his way to make others feel included and valued. He is grounded in his faith and trusts the Lord in all circumstances. He's light-hearted, reminding me to never take life too seriously and that laughter can cure most bad days. When life throws a curve-ball, he's there with encouraging, uplifting support. He is my biggest fan, always reassuring me I can do "it", whatever that may be. He always reminds me that life is too short to be stressed out or worried. I just can't imagine where I'd be without him.

It has been so neat to watch Bryson become a dad! He is definitely the fun one around our house. He is the one who takes a "time-out" in the hectic, chaotic moments to have fun and be silly. He's excited to teach our kids how to ride a bike, introduce them to video games, and see what kind of sports they might like! Growing up, he was super close to his grandparents, so I know it's something that he wants for our kids as well.
Lastly, We Promise These Things To You

We want you to know that if you choose us to parent your baby, we are committed to providing your child with a loving, stable, nurturing, and family-centered home.

Thank you for getting to know us!
We want you to know that if you choose us to parent your baby, we are committed to providing your child with a loving, stable, nurturing, and family-centered home. We promise to raise your child spending time with their grandparents. We promise to read to them at bedtime and cheer them on at sporting events. We promise to get them help if they struggle in school and support them anyway we can. We promise to advocate for them and be their biggest fan!

We promise to teach them to love the Lord and pray for them daily. We promise to raise them in their culture, educate ourselves and those around us and never stop learning. We promise to be consistent in our relationship with you. May you never doubt the compassion we have for you as a mother. Your child will be raised knowing where he or she came from and the sacrifice you have made. You will always be an integral part of our lives and we plan to raise your child with understanding and appreciation for you.

This child will be loved by us, our family and friends, and will know the love you have for him or her. Thank you for getting to know us! We are praying for you!

With love,
Sara + Bryson
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Micah loves to play in the rain!
Swimming at Granna and Pawpaw's house
Micah makes sure we read at least 2 books every night before bed!
We are always down to find a new park!
Ellie is so patient with Micah, he enjoys playing dress up and pretending to be a vet!
Going to the zoo and feeding the giraffes!
Playing in the snow!
Our favorite tradition is decorating the Christmas tree together!
Bryson's parents have property with farm animals and tractors! When we visit them, Micah loves riding the tractor and feeding the cows!
We love to be outside any chance we get! Micah loves to go on walks, riding his bike, and playing at the park!


The Summer Has Flown By!

Navigating life during the pandemic continues to bring its challenges but we have tried to make the most of the summer. We have been to the zoo, played at the splash pad with friends, visited the science museum, ate plenty of ice cream, and tried swimming lessons. We have made a few trips to Bryson's parents' property a few hours away where they have cows, chickens, pigs, and horses! There is so much do like riding the tractor, gathering the chicken eggs, fishing, and feeding all of the animals. Micah has perhaps grown the most this summer, he mastered riding his balance bike, potty training, and his personality continues to shine! He is such a joy!

Our Home

We live in a 4 bedroom, two-story home in a well established neighborhood. We have plenty of room in our backyard where Ellie and Gaston (our pups) love to run and play fetch. There are plenty of young families with children who live around us too! We purposefully live in a diverse community for Micah. In the evenings, you are bound to catch at least two or three neighbors hanging out in their driveway while the kids play! Within a few miles of our home we have a beautiful recreation center that has hiking and biking trails, soccer fields and even has a beach where they show movies on the water!


Our lives were forever changed in 2018 when we became first-time parents through adoption to our sweet son Micah. It's so neat to see God's hand was over his adoption and the timing of everything; one Saturday Bryson graduated from college and the following Saturday he became a dad! Micah is an affectionate, outgoing, social little boy with a HUGE personality! He loves to dance, sit in our laps while we read to him, and try to make everyone around him smile and laugh. He is such a JOY and we consider him our biggest blessing thus far!

Why We're Adopting

From the start of our marriage, it was the desire of our hearts to start a family. We weren't sure how exactly that would be, but we were open to many different options. We have always known Sara may or may not be able to carry a child. After talking to numerous doctors and praying about the situation, we decided to pursue adoption. In December of 2018, Micah -- our son, was placed in our arms. He is such a precious little boy and words cannot express how thankful we are to be parents. We have an open relationship with his birth mom and we consider her part of our family. She is the most hard-working, kindest, selfless person we know. We send her updates on a regular basis and are able to have visits with her. We don't feel like our family is complete yet and would love for Micah to have a brother or sister!
