


Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual


Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: African American (Full), African American (Half), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Half)

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual


Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual

Work & Education

Education: Master of Arts in Teaching

Profession: Writer


Education: Master of Business Administration

Profession: Product Manager

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 10 to 15 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: No

Children At Home: Adopted children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Not open to multiple children

Race/Ethnicity: African American (Full), African American (Half), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Half)

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.



Meet Kate & Todd
Hello there

As you read, we hope that you see something in our words and images that speaks to you.

We want to thank you for spending time getting to know us by taking a look at our profile. We can only imagine what an amazing and strong person you are for considering making an adoption plan for your baby. As you read, we hope that you see something in our words and images that speaks to you. If so, know that you will be honored and cherished. Your child will know of your selfless love and your generous heart. Your child will be the treasured gift that completes our family. No matter what, we wish you all of life's blessings.

We want to thank you for spending time getting to know us by taking a look at our profile. We can only imagine what an amazing and strong person you are for considering making an adoption plan for your baby. As you read, we hope that you see something in our words and images that speaks to you. If so, know that you will be honored and cherished. Your child will know of your selfless love and your generous heart. Your child will be the treasured gift that completes our family. No matter what, we wish you all of life's blessings.

Why Adoption

Through our experience with our first adoption, we can honestly say that the loving plan you have for your child is going to bring unspeakable joy to a very grateful family.

Our family at the beach
Like many who adopt, we've always known that our hearts were completely open to adoption. Call it a gut feeling. While our path to having a biological child was filled with obstacle after obstacle, our path to adoption was crystal clear once we found Gladney. For us, it wasn't a difficult choice to do what was in our hearts. In our experience with welcoming our daughter Mira through adoption, waiting for everything to fall into place was a big part of the journey. But seeing the pieces come together so beautifully in the end transcended anything we ever expected. It is our dream to be a family of four. We believe that there is something so incredibly special about children having the companionship and love of a sibling, and we can't wait to adopt again. Through our experience with our first adoption, we can honestly say that the loving plan you have for your child is going to bring unspeakable joy to a very grateful family. Your brave decision will transform so many lives, from the adoptive family you choose, to the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends whose hearts your child will touch throughout his or her lifetime.
Our Home & Community

There's a sense of peace and calm in the neighborhood, and we also create that sense of tranquility in our home, a haven where we will always encourage our children to be creative, discover a love of learning, and celebrate who they are on a daily ba

Mira in our backyard
We are blessed with an amazing community of support, from our loving families to our kind neighbors. Like us, our parents all live in Texas, ranging from a 10-minute drive away to a 3-hour journey that's easy to combine with a beach vacation! One of Mira's favorite weekend activities is enjoying dinner with Mimi and Pop Pop, hosted at her aunt and uncle's house, where she can run around with their dog Ollie. We also have many extended family members of all ages within a short driving distance, and we all get together for parties on holidays and occasions such as Christmas and graduations. Our immediate families may be small, but we have a large extended family. There is never a dull moment, and we wouldn't have it any other way! We live in a hilly, green area of town, and there's so much natural beauty to experience. We're close to the center of the city, yet we're far enough out of the way to have space for enjoying the outdoors, including the local parks. We spend a lot of time at our neighborhood playground and pool, which are a short walk from our house. Our cove includes many supportive, diverse neighbors who make this place truly feel like home. From a family across the street that has grown through adoption, to the two young children who are Mira's playmates, there is an engaging community life here that we highly value. There's a sense of peace and calm in the neighborhood, and we also create that sense of tranquility in our home, a haven where we will always encourage our children to be creative, discover a love of learning, and celebrate who they are on a daily basis. Art supplies are within close range, books are abundant, sensory activities are always at the ready, and outdoor play is a huge part of each day. We've designed a hands-on space where the wonder of childhood takes center stage.
Our Promises

We will honor what makes your child a true individual, celebrating the diversity and beauty they bring to our lives.

Kate & Mira
We promise you that your baby will be loved for exactly who he or she is. Our goal as parents is to provide the unconditional love, support and encouragement that will empower our children to thrive and discover their gifts and strengths. We will honor what makes your child a true individual, celebrating the diversity and beauty they bring to our lives. Our purpose as parents is first and foremost to be there: to add joy and fun to the good days, to be a comfort on the hard days, and to be our best selves so that we can enjoy a long, healthy and happy life with your child. We will travel with our children, share the magic of the learning process, and make discovery, adventure and laughter a big part of each day. We will constantly strive to connect our children with people and experiences that mirror their diverse backgrounds, and we will share our commitment to speaking out against racism and inequality. There is so much we want to teach our children, but even more important is our ability to listen to their unique voices. Should you choose our family for your precious child, we will all cherish the time we spend getting to know you. You will forever be honored in our home. Thank you again for spending time getting to know us. May your days be filled with an abundance of joy and blessings.
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Meet Todd (by Kate)

Todd is one of the most patient, calm and unique people I've ever met. To spend time with him is to feel like the most important person in the world. Because he is sensitive and so wonderfully thorough, he showers the people he loves with his full attention and dedication. This makes him an amazing husband and father. We met in 2005 after I attended an art and music event that he'd organized. I was instantly drawn to the community he'd brought together, and I wanted to know when the next event would take place. I was told to contact Todd for all of the details, and the rest is history. I fell in love with his sincere kindness, his sensitivity, and the way he smiles with his entire face. His laugh radiates pure joy, and he gives his all to the people he cares about the most. Todd is creative. He's quirky. He's a complex thinker with a love of technology and an incredible attention to detail. Yet he still puts his family first, dropping everything at a moment's notice to make sure that we have whatever we need. I love the way he gives his whole heart to parenting. Todd has countless amazing qualities, yet he's very humble about all of them.

Meet Kate (by Todd)

Kate and I have known each other for 16 years, and every day I feel blessed to have her in my life. She is truly one of the most caring, genuine, hard-working and funny people I know. Kate is deeply sensitive to the feelings and needs of the people and creatures around her, including friends, family, co-workers, and animals (even the birds and squirrels in our yard)! And Kate is truly an artist at heart who can lose herself for hours in creative projects. Our first date occurred one Saturday afternoon when I stopped by to see her retro booth at a local antique mall, which we followed up with dinner and dessert. While Kate now writes about furniture and decor instead of selling it, her passion for design was and still is one of my favorite things about her. Kate taught young children for years, and now as a mom, she's always coming up with unique projects that transform our home into a fun, playful and enriching space. Don't let Kate's gentle demeanor fool you. She has a remarkable strength of character, always standing up for what's right, even in the face of outside pressure. She also has an amazing ability to get things done, facing any challenge with energy and determination. I consider myself lucky to have a partner who brings such joy, empathy and unconditional love to parenthood and to life.

Meet Mira

Our daughter Mira doesn't miss a beat. She has an incredibly detailed memory, a joy-filled laugh that reflects her playful sense of humor, and a determined, loving heart. She is always seeking opportunities to build, design and create. Tape, straws, popsicle sticks and paper plates are just a few of the many supplies she uses to craft her inventions. This 4-year-old loves toy cars as much as she loves "spa time", and one of her very favorite pastimes is learning about nature and all of its creatures. She is wise beyond her years, which will make her an amazingly caring, helpful and doting big sister. Mira regularly talks about having a little brother or sister. She is helping us pick out names and is packing away clothes and toys that she wants to share with him or her. She can't wait to hold her sibling, to soothe and comfort him or her, and to have a playmate and kindred spirit in the family. Your child will be the apple of her eye and the gift of a lifetime.

Family Fun Facts

- We are a family who loves creativity, constantly seeking out opportunities to explore art, design, music, film, and other forms of expression. Kate's experience as a former teacher of young children and Todd's expertise in technology have helped enhance their creative endeavors as parents. - Todd spends hours researching fun and interesting children's books to share with Mira. Celebrating wonderful stories is one of their favorite ways to spend time together. - Kate loves to work on design projects around the house, and Mira has fun helping her complete them, from her big girl bedroom makeover to stocking the art cabinet with interesting supplies. - We love experimenting with delicious and healthy recipes, and Mira enjoys cooking with us in the kitchen, inventing her own concoctions! - Todd used to work as an audio engineer, creating the sound effects for video games. These days he enjoys spending his free time reading articles, watching documentaries, listening to podcasts, and using technology in creative and fun ways. - Kate loves to write. In her senior year of high school, she won a state-wide short story contest. Nowadays, not only does she write professionally, she enjoys creative writing about topics ranging from nostalgia to time travel. - Both Todd and Kate were in their high school bands (Todd played the trombone and Kate played the drums). Music has always been a big part of their lives, and now that they're parents, it's a special way for the whole family to enjoy the magic of childhood. - We spend a lot of time outdoors, taking long walks, observing neighborhood animals, enjoying local gardens and green spaces, swimming, playing sports with Mira, and gardening.
