


Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual


Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age, 1 to 3 years of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual


Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual

Work & Education

Education: College Degree

Profession: Creative Director


Education: College Degree

Profession: Professional Coach

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: Ohio

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 10 to 15 years

Parent Residency: House

Children At Home: Adopted children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age, 1 to 3 years of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: All

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


We officially became mini-van-owners in 2020.
We officially became mini-van-owners in 2020.
Putting up Christmas lights
Putting up Christmas lights
Nell can read for an hour straight. It puts Tommy to sleep. :)
Nell can read for an hour straight. It puts Tommy to sleep. :)
Nell's first gondola ride at Beaver Creek
Nell's first gondola ride at Beaver Creek
Lots of snowmen last winter.
Lots of snowmen last winter.
We love sleeping outside! This is one of our favorite spots about 30 minutes from our house.
We love sleeping outside! This is one of our favorite spots about 30 m...
And we love waking up and having coffee outside.
And we love waking up and having coffee outside.
Sometime we backpack in. We'll take the kids backpacking when they're big enough to carry their packs.
Sometime we backpack in. We'll take the kids backpacking when they're...
Nell sleeps pretty well in the tent.
Nell sleeps pretty well in the tent.
We bring our hammock on most camping trips.
We bring our hammock on most camping trips.
We usually have hot dogs for dinner when we're camping.
We usually have hot dogs for dinner when we're camping.
Nell has nine cousins on Brenda's side. Her favorite days are when she gets to play with them.
Nell has nine cousins on Brenda's side. Her favorite days are when she...
Tommy's fam is ready for another grandchild!
Tommy's fam is ready for another grandchild!
Tommy and his sis on a hike
Tommy and his sis on a hike
Brenda, her sister and mom making a mosaic table for our patio from old dishes.
Brenda, her sister and mom making a mosaic table for our patio from ol...
Popcycles with the cousins.
Popcycles with the cousins.
BBQing at Tommy's parents house. This is why we moved back to the Midwest - for nights like these with our family.
BBQing at Tommy's parents house. This is why we moved back to the Midw...
Swinging at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Swinging at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
We love to spend time in cultures different from our own.
We love to spend time in cultures different from our own.
Spanish classes in Guatemala
Spanish classes in Guatemala
Wrapping up a surf day in Costa Rica
Wrapping up a surf day in Costa Rica
Morning after we slept in a cave
Morning after we slept in a cave
Brenda's snorkeling face
Brenda's snorkeling face
Beach sunset
Beach sunset
Kayaking through mangroves
Kayaking through mangroves
Where We Live
There are great metro parks within biking-distance from our house.
There are great metro parks within biking-distance from our house.
Walking home from our Saturday breakfast spot
Walking home from our Saturday breakfast spot
We bike to most places
We bike to most places
We can walk to the river from our house
We can walk to the river from our house
There are great single-track bike trails about 30 mins from our house
There are great single-track bike trails about 30 mins from our house
Brenda's dad built indoor monkey bars for the play room.
Brenda's dad built indoor monkey bars for the play room.
We do a ton of hiking during all four seasons.
We do a ton of hiking during all four seasons.
We carry Nell everywhere in this pack. She'll probably outgrow it this year.
We carry Nell everywhere in this pack. She'll probably outgrow it this...
Tommy on the trail. :)
Tommy on the trail. :)
Brenda on the trail. :)
Brenda on the trail. :)
Snack by the river
Snack by the river
At the top of New York Mountain in CO.
At the top of New York Mountain in CO.
Dad's shoulders when we forget the backpack
Dad's shoulders when we forget the backpack
Snowboarding is one of our favorite hobbies
Snowboarding is one of our favorite hobbies
Getting Nell into the sport too!
Getting Nell into the sport too!
Sometimes we
Sometimes we "skin" up the mountain, then snowboard down.
She's pooped! Ha.
She's pooped! Ha.


Planted a tree in Nell's room :)
Now our wheels are turning on what to paint in the baby room!
Brenda and Tommy
Why we want to adopt



Adoption is a beautiful way to care for and love every person involved.

We adopted our daughter, Nell, in 2017 and we are ready to add another life to our family. We’ve chosen to do that through adoption again, because we believe it’s a beautiful way
to care for and love every person involved. We have been married over ten years and while we’re grateful for all our past experiences, we’re even more excited for the rest of our life together as a family.

We adopted our daughter, Nell, in 2017 and we are ready to add another life to our family. We’ve chosen to do that through adoption again, because we believe it’s a beautiful way
to care for and love every person involved. We have been married over ten years and while we’re grateful for all our past experiences, we’re even more excited for the rest of our life together as a family.


The three of us do most everything together.

A friend introduced Tommy and I on Halloween in 2007, and we got married three years later. Since then, we’ve traveled the world, started a business, moved from Colorado to Ohio,
and became a mom and dad! The three of us do most everything together, the fun stuff like camping and making art, and the not-so-fun-stuff, like cleaning and packing up after a good night of camping. :) Each day tends to be hilarious, somewhat exhausting and so full of joy.

We believe that every person has a unique light shining inside them, and we hope to allow that light to shine as brightly as possible in our children.

First and foremost, we give love and support every day. We strive to be consistent, patient, and above all, loving. We hope to expose our kids to all sorts of interesting, exciting and meaningful experiences, and feed whatever their passions might be. We believe that every person has a unique light shining inside them, and we hope to allow that light to shine as brightly as possible in our children.

We will lead by example so they learn kindness, confidence and courage. We want to teach
them that every single person is doing their best, and every person deserves to be respected and loved. We also understand that we’re relatively new to this parenting thing, and we’ll be learning just as much as our kids do along the way. :) We want to hold beliefs lightly, take each day in stride, and trust that love will guide us.

We wish you love, strength and peace

Thank you for taking the time to look through our profile and learn more about us. We can’t imagine what a challenging decision this must be for you, and admire your strength and courage.

Regardless if we get the opportunity to parent your child, we wish you love, strength and peace throughout your pregnancy and beyond.

Brenda and Tommy
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Our favorite meals are on the grill. Burgers, fish, veggies, brats, chicken - we cook outside all spring, summer and fall.
We hang out by our slack line a lot. Brenda and Nell just sort of wobble on it. Tommy's pretty solid on it.
Favorite ice cream: Tommy - Mint Chocolate Chip. Brenda - Butter Pecan. Nell - Mint Chocolate Chip.


Planted a tree in Nell's room last weekend!

Tommy took Nell to the neighbors to play for a couple hours on Sunday so I could paint. She's pretty pumped and loves waking up under a tree each morning. :)

Lake weekend with some old friends

We drove to North Caroline last weekend to spend a few nights in a lake house with several old friends. Nell is getting more and more comfortable in the water!
