


Age: 36

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 38

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino, White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Any child, Open to discussion, Mild or medically correctable, Serious or non-correctable, Alcohol exposed, Smoking exposed, Drug exposed, Emotional/mental disorders in family, Emotional/mental disorder in child, Down Syndrome, Blindness, Deafness

Basic Info

Age: 36

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


Age: 38

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino, White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Work & Education

Education: Bachelors in Business

Profession: CX Operations Manager


Education: Bachelors in Health Promotion & Nutrition Education

Profession: Stay at Home Mom/Community Health Educator

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: Utah

Us Region: South Western US

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 10 to 15 years

Parent Residency: House

Children At Home: Adopted children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Any child, Open to discussion, Mild or medically correctable, Serious or non-correctable, Alcohol exposed, Smoking exposed, Drug exposed, Emotional/mental disorders in family, Emotional/mental disorder in child, Down Syndrome, Blindness, Deafness

Certification Badge Icon

Adoption Service Provider

Millcreek Counseling and Adoption Services


Life and Family
One of our weekend adventures driving around in the canyon by our house.
One of our weekend adventures driving around in the canyon by our hous...
Bryce Canyon National Park. The spring time snow storm made it even more beautiful!
Bryce Canyon National Park. The spring time snow storm made it even mo...
Birthday trip to Nashville, TN
Birthday trip to Nashville, TN
Lower Calf Creek Falls in Utah// 6 mile hike was a success!
Lower Calf Creek Falls in Utah// 6 mile hike was a success!
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National Park
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National Park


Biking around town
Biking riding around our beautiful small town is one of our favorite things to do as a family.


Snowboarding at Snowbasin.

We are all about family time.

Our names are Gordon, Jessica, and Burton, and we are the Hardcastle Family. We hope you can get to know us a little bit better as we share some things about ourselves.

We are all about family time. On the daily you can find us playing air hockey, reading chapter books together (we have so many favorites it’s hard to name just one but right now we are enjoying the Magic Tree House series), rough housing, playing board games like Outfoxed, and walking or riding our bikes around our neighborhood to “the bike ramps” or around our town’s lake. We enjoy talking about our day each night at dinner time together. Our dad usually tells us about his work day, and Burton and mom share what fun things they did which usually involves playing with friends either at the park or in our neighborhood. Ou...

Our names are Gordon, Jessica, and Burton, and we are the Hardcastle Family. We hope you can get to know us a little bit better as we share some things about ourselves.

We are all about family time. On the daily you can find us playing air hockey, reading chapter books together (we have so many favorites it’s hard to name just one but right now we are enjoying the Magic Tree House series), rough housing, playing board games like Outfoxed, and walking or riding our bikes around our neighborhood to “the bike ramps” or around our town’s lake. We enjoy talking about our day each night at dinner time together. Our dad usually tells us about his work day, and Burton and mom share what fun things they did which usually involves playing with friends either at the park or in our neighborhood. Our neighborhood is full of kids and families. You can find Burton with his friends bouncing from house to house playing on each other’s trampolines, swing sets and climbing domes. It’s the best thing ever! On the weekends we try to do an activity together. Recently, Burton saw people ice fishing on the lake in our town and asked if we could try it. None of us are fishermen but we researched all about it and that next Saturday we were out on the lake with success as Burton caught his first fish! Burton also has started dirt biking. His need for speed makes his mom watch with one eye open, but it’s been exciting to see him enjoy something his dad also likes doing. We also like to go snowboarding together and teaching Burton this skill has been so amazing. He’s quite the little shredder and gets better each time we take him. Sometimes our weekend activity is simply grabbing take out and going to a fun park for dinner. We also spend a lot of time with our extended family. Burton loves playing with his cousins who range in age from 26 to 4 years old. We go on yearly trips with them to Jackson, Wyoming and to Bear Lake in Utah. We also get together on Sundays for family dinners alternating between Gordon’s family and Jess’s family.

A little more about us…

We want our son’s adoption to be a strength for him.

We enjoy bicycle rides together.
Gordon and Jess have been married since 2007 We met in college in a public speaking class. Gordon didn’t ask Jess out until the last day of the semester just in case the date didn’t go well. Well it went great, we dated for 2.5 years and the rest is history! We always look forward to date night when we can reconnect. Spending time just the two of us is extra special these days and we work really hard to make sure we get regular quality time together. Some of our date nights include doing service in our church’s temples, going out to eat at restaurants with Thai or Indian food, and cozying up for a movie night. When we have individual free time Gordon likes to build or restore things (he built our home and put in our yard with all the fixins like garden boxes and a chicken coop), go riding on his dirt and mountain bikes, or plan his next guys trip with his friends. Some things Jess likes to do are hike, practice Pilates and yoga, listen to podcasts (some favorites include Don’t Miss This, Inklings, and Being Well with Dr. Rick Hanson), and get together with her friends for laughs and quality girl time. You can also find her helping in Burton’s class at school or walking the town with her “mom friends” chatting about life and Jesus.

Our family values our faith, compassion and empathy, forgiveness, individuality, fairness, serving others, balance, patience, sincerity, connection, and fun.

When biologically creating our family wasn’t a possibility for us, we explored other avenues to begin a family and chose to pursue adoption. We feel so blessed to have been able to start our own family through adoption. The adoption of our son, Burton, has been one of our greatest joys. We love his birth parents and their families so much. Our adoption is open with them, in varying degrees. We try to be available to their desires and work together to make sure our relationship always has Burton’s best interest in mind. We want Burton’s adoption to be a strength for him. The more people in his life supporting and loving him the better. Our own families have also been supportive of our choice to grow our family through adoption. Burton is treated exactly the same as all the other family members (but if we’re being honest he holds a special place in all of our hearts because he’s our example of a miracle and he reminds us all of that every moment we’re together). He is deeply loved.

We are hoping to grow our family again and believe siblings are one of the best things in life. We have strong sibling relationships in our families. We believe if we are able to add to our family through adoption again our family connection will only grow deeper and stronger.

We really appreciate you taking the time to read this and get to know us a bit. Please reach out to us if you’d like to get to know us even more or if you have any questions for us.
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: Utah

Us Region: South Western US

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 10 to 15 years

Parent Residency: House

Children At Home: Adopted children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents


As gifts we like to have an experience together and make memories. This year we took our son to see PJ Masks Live for his birthday.
Burton especially loves spending time with his cousins.
We go to Bear Lake at least once every year with our family (but usually end up going at least a few times each year because we love it so much!)
Our town’s lake is a favorite. We really like the biking trail around it, as well as kayaking and paddle boarding in the summer.
We love the outdoors and spend as much time as possible outside.
Reading books is one of our favorite things to do together.
So many family traditions! Making gingerbread houses is a fun one.
Part of our son’s bedtime routine includes playing toss with a glow in the dark ball.
We love to play! Ninjas, pirates, name it, we like to pretend play it.


Priscilla (Friend)

I met Jessica at work. We learned we have many things in common like a love for yoga and the city we live in. I love that I get to see her almost everyday. She is someone I can count on to help me out with work projects and also lend an ear when I need someone to talk to. I can't wait for her and Gordon to grow their family. I want my future kids to be friends with her future kids.

Priscilla Endorsed Kind, Quirky, Honest, Fun loving, Outdoorsy, compassionate, Responsible, Family oriented, , Caring, Trustworthy, loyal, Adaptable, Hard working, , Kind, , Fun loving

Favorite Image
Favorite Image



I met Jessica at work. We learned we have many things in common like a love for yoga and the city we live in. I love that I get to see her almost everyday. She is someone I can count on to help me out with work projects and also lend an ear when I need someone to talk to. I can't wait for her and Gordon to grow their family. I want my future kids to be friends with her future kids.

Priscilla Endorsed Kind, Quirky, Honest, Fun loving, Outdoorsy, compassionate, Responsible, Family oriented, , Caring, Trustworthy, loyal, Adaptable, Hard working, , Kind, , Fun loving

Favorite Image



The greatest quality I can think of for parents is their commitment to each other and their family. Gordon and Jessica love each other and it shows in every part of their lives. These two would love any child unconditionally as their own and provide him or her with every needful thing. Jessica would be a wonderful mother - she loves to be healthy, her optimism is contagious, and is generally one of the most humble and caring people I know. Gordon is loyal and responsible, and as a father, I believe he would be a patient teacher and provide a good example of what a good and hard-working man is. I wholeheartedly endorse these two and believe they would be incredible parents.

Justin Endorsed Kind, Quirky, Honest, Fun loving, Outdoorsy, compassionate, Responsible, Family oriented, , Caring, Trustworthy, loyal, Adaptable, Hard working, , Kind, , Fun loving

Favorite Image


Close Friend

Jessica and Gordon are both amazing people! I have known Jessica for over a decade & can say she is one of my very best friends! I would like nothing more than to see these two complete their loving family with a child they can raise as their own. They are both fun loving and caring people that everyone instantly takes a liking to. I hope that we can one day have our children play and grow up together to become as close of friends as we are.

Mystie Endorsed Kind, Quirky, Honest, Fun loving, Outdoorsy, compassionate, Responsible, Family oriented, , Caring, Trustworthy, loyal, Adaptable, Hard working, , Kind

Favorite Image



My 4 year old's favorite person is her aunt, Jessica. She talks about her all of the time, sends her mail almost weekly and is constantly asking when she will get to see and play with her. I also have it on good authority that she let's Gordon play along as the guard to the princesses. These guys are fun, adventurous, kind, generous and responsible. They seem to make the best out of any situation. They love their community and neighborhood and spend many hours with friends and supporting local venues. They have a couple of well-loved dogs and I know they are eagerly waiting for the time when they can add a child or two to their family.

Melanie Endorsed Kind, Quirky, Honest, Fun loving, Outdoorsy, compassionate, Responsible, Family oriented, , Caring, Trustworthy, loyal, Adaptable, Hard working, , Kind

Favorite Image

Tiffany Leishman


While I would use all of the below characteristics to describe Gordon and Jessica, the one missing from the list is LOVING. A love for life. A love for each other. A love for those around them. I have known Gordon and Jessica for several years. During this time, I have experienced the opportunity of talking, eating, playing, working, paddle boarding, camping, laughing, listening to some local bands, and even dancing with them. Both Gordon and Jessica are fun to be around and are always looking for new and exciting adventures. No two days are the same. Each day is viewed through positive eyes, as an opportunity for learning and growth. I don't think that I have met two individuals with a better outlook on the future. A love for life. Over the past several years, I have spent several hours (and hours) in conversations with Jessica. Never once have I ever heard her speak one word ill of Gordon. They have a genuine, trusting relationship and when you are around them, you can feel how well they get along and complement each other. A love for each other. I have seen first hand the love that Gordon and Jessica show not only for life and each other, but to all of those around them. I have personally been the recipient of thoughtful words, just when I needed them the most. I have seen them both render hours of service and make personal sacrifices to benefit others. A love for those around them. Gordon and Jessica will love your little one just as much as you do.

Tiffany Leishman Endorsed Kind, Quirky, Honest, Fun loving, Outdoorsy, compassionate, Responsible, Family oriented, , Caring, Trustworthy, loyal, Adaptable, Hard working, , Kind

Favorite Image

Chris and Melissa Petersen

long time friends

Gordon and Jessica are wonderful people. I've known Gordon about 15 years now, crazy to think about how fast it's gone by. Gordon has always been responsible beyond his years, honest, funny, a little dorky and always up for adventure. Gordon is as reliable as a brick. He will be there for you today, tomorrow and 20 years from now. He's truely a life long friend. I've spent tons of time with Gordon, in school and worked with him and spent plenty of time outside of both. What you see is what you get. Gordon is very even keeled, he's extremely stable and he's a great dude. Jessica only makes him better, and they are a great couple. I've never seen Gordon get mad, he's just a happy person who values time with friends and family ANY child would be lucky to have Gordon and Jessica as parents. I have no doubt that they would be great parents and raise a great, well rounded child. I've seen them interact with children and they are great. My wife and I wish we lived closer to Gordon and Jessica, we look forward to any time we get to spend with them. if you have ANY reservations or questions about this couple, do not worry. These are great people who are ready to start a family. Both Gordon and Jessica are wonderful people and will make fine parents. I support them 100% and will do anything that I can to help them fulfill this dream. Chris

Chris and Melissa Petersen Endorsed Kind, Quirky, Honest, Fun loving, Outdoorsy, compassionate, Responsible, Family oriented, , Caring, Trustworthy, loyal, Adaptable, Hard working, Kind


Epic Nerf Gun Day

Like many around the world right now, our family is self quarantined. The first week was exhausting. Trying to adjust to all the changes which at first didn’t seem like they’d be too difficult and in all honesty they haven’t been, but adjusting to being our son’s full time entertainment and social outlet was hard. After a week of figuring out what this new way of temporary life would look like, we recharged and came up with some additional ways to support one another that allowed for more time together and also time apart which was necessary. As we enter week four of quarantine we truly are experiencing more joy than not. Like the day when we played with nerf guns from morning to bedtime. It was so much fun! Life feels so free in a sense. There’s no rush. We are simply living in the moment, enjoying the happy times as well as the times big emotions come out. We’re learning how to show deeper love and connection for one another and to those around us. Our sense of community has increased as well as our personal relationships. We want to remember this time of life and cherish it. And so far it’s been an experience none of us will forget.
