Quotes from Real Adoptive Dads on Fatherhood

We dare you to read this one without tearing up at least a little.

Denalee Chapman June 21, 2015

It was Wade Boggs who said, “Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.”  Father’s Day is sweet for all dads, but for adoptive dads it can be an especially tender time. All types of adoptive dads share heartwarming experiences on many topics: birth parents, transracial families, and foster adoption to name a few.

Adoptive dads give their time, talents, and love to their children.

While adoptive dads hold many responsibilities, every effort pays off in the end.  Following are thoughts from a few adoptive dads who count themselves very blessed, indeed.

Kevin Lundell
1. Kevin Lundell

The fact that a women had to give up her right to mother her child so that I could be a father is the single biggest tragedy and the single greatest miracle that has ever happened in my life. The moment Breanna handed Amelia to us in the hospital and whispered in our ears, “Take care of my baby” and walked out of the hospital room empty-handed, something completely unexpected happened . . . we wept. I have never, and probably will never again, experience that kind of emotion. We wept for Breanna with the deepest of sadness. We wept for ourselves with the most intense joy because we were finally parents. We wept for Amelia because she was beautiful and she was our daughter.

That moment is a microcosm of what I believe being a father is like. Fatherhood means long sleepless nights; fatherhood means wishing you were sick when your child is sick; fatherhood means pain. Fatherhood also means laughing like you’ve never laughed, love like you never knew existed, and joy like you never thought possible. Fatherhood is being DAD. -Kevin Lundell

Chal Halverson
2. Chal Halverson

I always wanted to be a father and to have a family. It was important to me even when I was a kid. When I was a teenager I had a unique experience that changed my life. There was a moment when I saw a little African American boy and thought to myself, “That boy is the most beautiful, handsome little boy that I have ever seen!” And truly, he was. At that moment, I felt from my Heavenly Father an inspiration, a prompting or a stirring. It was that someday, if I was obedient to my God, I would adopt an African American son. It was undeniable. And so, when I got to the stage of life when I was dating with the intent to marry, if the woman I was serious with was unwilling to adopt an African American boy–that would be a deal-breaker. Thankfully, the woman I fell completely in love with was on board with my desire.

Knowing from a young age that we would adopt didn’t take away the heartache and hurt that led us to that point in our lives. But in 2008 Kyron was born–a gift from Heavenly Father. The adoption journey hasn’t been easy, but it has been rewarding. Kyron is my son–on loan, not from biological parents, but from God. He is truly the most beautiful little boy I have seen, with perfect skin and awesome kinky-curly hair. And he is my son.

It doesn’t matter how my children came to me. I feel blessed every day that God has given us four beautiful children. No matter the blood type, skin color, height, gender, nationality . . . each of these four children are mine. And each one of them knows I’m their Daddy. -Chal Halverson

Mike Hornaman
3. Mike Hornaman

I have one biological child and one adopted child. The birth child was about 5 years old when we adopted a 14-year-old who had been through the foster care system. She was struggling to find a family she could fit with but nothing had ever worked out. It took us only about two weeks to feel like we had been together for our whole lives.

Although we did miss out on our adopted daughter’s early years, it is gratifying and wonderful to be able to have a second child. We would not have had a second child and I think our whole family would have felt an emptiness had we not come together. Watching our daughter make her way into adulthood, get an education, get married and then start having her own children has been very rewarding.

It's amazing how there can be a magical match. Ours was magical, and I am blessed to be her Dad. (Mike Hornaman)

Kolby Campbell
4. Kolby Campbell

I am blessed to have adopted my wife’s children. Part of the challenge of strengthening my bond with them is not having been blessed to be part of their lives from birth. There is a connection at birth that you cannot duplicate but, thankfully, you can create your own relationship that ends up being just as strong, if not stronger.

What makes the bond between us so special is that it’s constantly growing. When I first met them, I could tell right away that they were sweet, fun-filled kids. It’s been awesome learning from them and seeing them grow through the years. You definitely appreciate something more when you have to work for it.

Ultimately, the main source of the strength of our bond is based on is the love we share for their mother. That is where our bond originated. Her love for us and the love we all share has helped us grow immensely. She has brought our entire family together. All seven of us. I am eternally grateful for her.

To me, being a father is showing love and always being there for your kids. I’ve learned that your interests aren’t always going to match theirs and it’s surprising what they can teach you. Balancing the right amount of love, support, and respect is key to being a great Dad.

Adoption has blessed the lives of each of my family members. For me, it has opened my eyes to the needs of others, especially those who have not chosen to be in a difficult situation. The best things about being a father are seeing happiness in my children’s faces, watching them grow and learn, and helping them through trials. Without adoption, our family would be incomplete. Bela and Talin have blessed our lives with their individual personalities and loving attributes. -Kolby Campbell

Hugh Jackman
5. Hugh Jackman

Adoptive father Hugh Jackman said, “The love for your children is so powerful– you’d do anything for them and not even think about it.”

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all adoptive fathers who are DADS in the most real sense of the word!

Frederic Legrand - COMEO / Shutterstock.com

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Denalee Chapman

Denalee is an adoptive mother, a motivational speaker, a writer, and a lover of life. She and her husband have adventured through the hills and valleys of life to find that the highest highs and the lowest lows are equally fulfilling. Book Denalee to speak to your group, or find Denalee's writings, including her books on her website at DenaleeChapman.com.

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