6 Ways to Show Birth Parents You Care

Simple acts often mean the most.

Shelley Skuster December 16, 2014

We have an open adoption with our daughter’s birth family and wouldn’t trade it for the world. Although we live thousands of miles away, we still keep in touch and show that we care through social media and an occasional package in the mail. As a mom through adoption, I often catch myself wondering what to get for someone who made the brave, selfless choice to make me a mother. How do I let my daughter’s birth mom know I’m thinking of her? What do you give someone who chose life for a baby and placed that baby in your arms? Creative gifts for birth parents can be tricky because gifts and letters almost seem inadequate. But what I’ve learned is that sometimes the simple things can mean the most.

Here are six creative ways to show your child’s birth parents you care:

Recordable Storybooks
1. Recordable Storybooks

Hallmark has some fantastic children's books available in a Recordable Storybook format. They're perfect to exchange between birth families, adoptive families and children who like to read!

Letters from friends and family
2. Letters from friends and family

When we finalized our daughter’s adoption, we asked close friends and family to write her birth mom a letter from the heart. Then we placed dozens of handwritten notes in a care package and sent a whole lot of love her way!

Handprint (or footprint) art
3. Handprint (or footprint) art

What better way to show how much your child has grown than with creative art using their handprints and footprints? Pinterest has some great ideas for easy projects, especially around the holidays!

Photo books
4. Photo books

Many birth parents will say the greatest gift they can receive is knowing their child is well-cared for and loved. Photo books are a great gift for birth parents to see their child grow up in the family they chose for him or her!

Custom jewelry
5. Custom jewelry

Jewelry stores have beautiful accessories available for customization. Including your child’s birth stone is also a thoughtful gesture when picking out a piece of jewelry.

Matching blankets
6. Matching blankets

Do you know someone who can make a blanket for your new child and his/her birth family? Attach a card that talks about how these blankets are matching and will be held close, just as your child’s first family will be.

Another suggestion your child’s birth mother may find valuable is joining Big Tough Girl™ adoption community. BTG is an organization started by a birth mom with the intent to support and embrace women who make brave choices.

What about you? I’d love to hear your ideas for creative gifts that honor birth parents.

Leave your suggestions in the comments below!

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Shelley Skuster

Shelley is a former award-winning television journalist who traded in suit coats and red lipstick for a messy bun and yoga pants. She's a freelance writer who stays at home with her three daughters who are all ((gasp)) under the age of three and came to her via adoption and birth. She's the woman behind the blog Shelley Writes, and she can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

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